
    摘要:随着时代的发展,技术的进步,各式各样的电力电子设备得到了充分的利用。无源滤波技术是过往常使用的抑制谐波与补偿无功功率的方式,此技术的优点有结构简单和造价低等,但与此同时也有很多不尽人意的地方。在电力、功率集成电路技术和相关的一些谐波理论的逐步成熟后,滤波的研究重点逐渐变为了有源电力滤波器(Active Power Filter)。其基本原理是:APF向电网注入与原有谐波和无功电流大小相等但方向相反的补偿电流,使电网的总谐波以及无功电流为零,它的目的是净化电网。APF能对变化的各次谐波和无功电流同时进行跟踪补偿,补偿特性受电网阻抗和频率变化的影响相对比较小,控制电路可以比较方便的完成限流保护,增加了装置的稳定性,减少了发生事故的概率。本次实验为并联型APF,利用MATLAB软件建模,它可以通过实时检测负载的谐波电流,控制VSC向电网注入与负载谐波电流大小相等但方向相反的电流,就能实现滤除谐波的功能。62204

    毕业论文关键词: 有源电力滤波器;滤除谐波;MATLAB建模

    The system design and simulation of active power filter

    Abstract:With the rapid development of power electronic technology, various kinds of power electronic equipment is widely used. The traditional method of harmonic suppression and reactive power compensation is passive filtering technology, passive filter technology has simple structure, and low equipment investment, but also the shortcomings and defects. With the Power electronic technology and Power integrated circuit technology and the development of the related theory of harmonic, people turn to the Active Power Filter will Filter research direction (Active Power Filter). Its basic principle is: injection APF to the grid and the original harmonic and reactive current is equal but opposite direction to the size of the offset current, make the grid total harmonic and reactive current is zero, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying power grid. It can to change every harmonic and reactive current tracking compensation, compensation characteristics affected by grid impedance and frequency change is small, the control circuit is easy to implement current-limiting protection in order to improve the security of the system. This experiment for shunt active power filter, using the MATLAB software modeling, it through the real-time detection of load harmonic current, control VSC injected into power grid and load harmonic current equal but opposite direction of current, can realize the function of filtering harmonics.

    Key words: active power filter; Harmonic detection; Filter out harmonic; MATLAB modeling

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 谐波的危害 1

    1.2  谐波的定义 2

    1.3 谐波的抑制方法 4

    1.4 国外研究情况 4

    1.5 国内研究现状 5

    1.6 未来发展趋势 6

    1.7 本文的研究内容 6

    2 有源电力滤波器的种类及区分 7

    2.1 根据应用场合区分 7

    2.2 根据储能元件区分 7

    2.3 三相三线制并联型有源电力滤波器 9

    2.3.1 三相三线制并联型有源电力滤波器的系统构成 9

    2.3.2 三相三线制并联型有源电力滤波器的工作原理 10

    2.5 本章小结 11

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