


    毕业论文关键词  轨道交通  牵引供电仿真  杂散电流


    Title    Research on Modeling and Simulation for Train Power  Supply System with Stary Current Collection         

    Abstract This article first describes the development of rail transportation,tools and technique for the study of rail transportation. This article builds the whole net model,incluing traction substation,overhead line system,trains,and reflux track.This article solves the network parameters by the Newton Raphson.This article considers DC traction power supply system and has figured out some data,incluing voltage distribution of traction power supply system,running load of traction substation,real power of trains.At last,this article compares and analyses the measured data,in order to overifie the validity of DC traction power supply system simulation.

    On this basis,this article describes the development of stary current and status of study on it.the this article adds amodeling and simulation of stary current collection,figures out and analyses the voltage distribution of stary current collection,and compares the current of traction substation.Resulting from the data analysis above,this article reaches the influence to DC traction power supply system by earth screen.Two aspects from foregoing paragraphs are considered,it summarizes what needs to improve in the simulation of DC traction power supply system,and proposes the improved method.

    Keywords  Rail transportation  traction power supply simulation  stray current 

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.1.1  地铁及地铁供电系统 1

    1.1.2  杂散电流 2

    1.2  国内外研究现状 3

    1.2.1  牵引供电系统的研究方法 3

    1.2.2  杂散电流的研究现状 4

    1.3  本文研究的主要内容、目标与方法 5

    2  直流牵引供电系统结构及模型 6

    2.1  列车模型 6

    2.1.1  列车的电流源和功率源模型 6

    2.1.2  电阻制动时的列车模型 7

    2.2  牵引变电所模型 7

    2.3  接触网和轨道模型 9

    2.4  地网结构模型 11

    2.4.1  “走行轨—大地”模型

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