


    毕业论文关键词  电流工频脉动  光伏并网系统  直流母线电容  占空比  Matlab/simulink  


    Title  Research on Minimizing the Grid-frequency Fluctuation Of Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter’ Input Current                                                                                                     


    Photovoltaic utilization of Solar will have play a decisive role in future energy development. In the photovoltaic power generation system, due to instantaneous value of input power and output power of the inverter is not identically equal, even with buffer of the DC bus capacitor, the input current still has grid-frequency ripple. The ripple current not only reduces accuracy of MPPT, but also has adverse effect on the electromagnetic (EMC) and the life of battery in the system, so, to solve the grid-frequency pulse of input current can effectively improve the performance of photovoltaic power generation system.

    Based on the single-phase two-stage grid-connected photovoltaic system, the paper introduces the principle of each section of photovoltaic power generation system, builds up a circuit simulation diagram of each section, and analyzes the reason for the grid-frequency fluctuation of the input current. Then, three methods are proposed to solve the problem: the method of control of voltage feedback, the method of compensation for the duty ratio, the method of direct modification of the duty ratio. The method of direct modification of the duty ratio is chosen to solve the problem of input current of the inverter in this paper. The simulation of single-phase two-stage photovoltaic power generation system before and after direct change of the duty ratio is carried out using Matlab/simulink. Comparing the simulation results before and after that, we can see that after using the method of direct modification of the duty ratio, the value of the input current fluctuation decreases, the input power is increased and fluctuation decreases, and the current fluctuation of inductor in the Boost circuit has been in the allowable range of the circuit before and after direct modification of the duty ratio.

    Keywords   grid-frequency pulse of current  grid-connected photovoltaic system   the DC bus capacitor  the duty ratio  Matlab/simulink  


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