
    摘 要:LCD的液晶显示作为人机交互的主流方式,正广泛用于家电、手机、个人电脑等显示终端。随着电子技术的发展,单片机技术的应用产品日益增多,对个性化LCD液晶显示的需求也越来越高。本文对基于单片机的LCD 液晶显示器显示系统进行了研究。围绕设计以单片机作为LCD液晶显示系统控制器为主线,首先描述了硬件驱动原理,采用STM8S105C6单片机系列中的LSD2LD-001D芯片作为液晶显示无线远传燃气表的核心部件,以液晶显示模块作为LCD显示器,设计出一种基于单片机的LCD显示系统,利用LSD2LD-001D液晶驱动控制LCD模块并用C语言编制相应的显示程序。本系统经过焊接调试,实现了用文字和数字方式显示无线远传燃气表的读数、电池电量,开关阀等参数的功能。65368


    Abstract: LCD liquid crystal display as a mainstream form of human-computer interaction, is widely used in home appliances, mobile phones, personal computers and other display terminal. With the development of electronic technology, SCM technology applications increasing demand for personalized LCD display is also increasing. Demand for personalized LCD display is also increasing. In this paper, the LCD display system based on microcontroller studied .This paper focuses on the design of microcontroller LCD system controller as the main line, first described the principle of the hardware drivers,Use STM8S105C6 microcontroller family LSD2LD-001D LCD chip as the core components of measuring instrumentsIn the liquid crystal display module as LCD monitors, designed a microcontroller based LCD display systemUse LSD2LD-001D datesheet control LCD display module and preparation of the corresponding program using C language. The system has been soldered to debug,To achieve the display with an alphanumeric way wireless remote gas meter reading, battery level, switching valve and other parameters.

    Keywords: STM8S105C6 SCM,Wireless remote gas meter,LSD2LD-001D chip


    目   录

    1 引言 4

    1.2 设计系统的组成 5

    2 显示系统设计原理 5

    2.1 显示系统设计原理流程图 5

    2.2 系统设计原理 5

    3系统硬件 6

    3.1 硬件的组成 6

    3.2 硬件的接线说明: 6

    3.3 ST-LINK/V2仿真器 7

    3.4 液晶驱动说明 7

    3.5 液晶驱动功能说明 10

    3.6 STM8S105C6单片机的特点 23

    4 系统软件的设计 24

    4.1 编程软件 24

    4.2 系统软件设计流程图 24

    5 运行界面 25

    5.1 软件显示界面 25

    5.2 软件运行界面 25

    5.3 硬件运行整体界面 26

    5.4 液晶驱动运行界面 26

    5.5 单片机运行界面 27

    结论 28

    参考文献 29


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