


    Abstract: ECG (electrocardiogram) is a simple and efficient method for detecting heart disease. The traditional ECG equipment has complicated designs, great bulk and high price. The ECG data only professional medical personnel can understand. The ECG monitoring equipment has not been like the thermometer or the sphygmomanometer which can be used whenever you want. People must go to the hospital for ECG examination. This system is based on C8051F005  as the core of ECG data acquisition device. The ECG signal was collected through the dedicated leads from our body surface. The amplifying circuit and the filter circuit take the ECG signal to the AD converter which is built in the MCU. After finishing converting, the MCU will send the ECG data to the PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) through the UART or the wireless module. The software running on the PDA will analyze the ECG data and use the dedicated algorithm for digital filtering and waveform extraction. Finally the software will display the ECG waveform on the screen of the PDA. After testing, the system can detect the real-time ECG signal, and display it on the screen of the PDA. People keeping in doors can take ECG examination through portable ECG monitoring system. This is in favor of protecting against some heart disease.

    Keywords: ECG, portable, MCU, C8051F005, PDA 


    1 绪论 4

    1.1 课题的研究背景和意义 4

    1.2 心电研究历史及国内外研究现状 4

    1.3 课题研究的主要内容 5

    1.4 论文主要工作 5

    2 心电图 6

    2.1 心电导联结构体系 6

    2.2 心电信号的产生 9

    2.3 心电图各波段的组成含义与心电活动 10

    2.4 心电信号的特点 11

    3 便携式心电监测系统的硬件设计 11

    3.1 模拟信号电路设计 11

    3.2 数字信号电路设计 16

    3.3 电源电路设计 18

    4 便携式心电监测系统的软件设计 20

    4.1 单片机软件设计

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