



    毕业论文关键词  虚拟仪器 信号发生器 示波器


    Title   The design of signal generator and test system based on virtual instrument


    With the high performance cost ratio of computers, and long-term high prices of traditional instruments, coupled with the single function of traditional instrument, the development of virtual instrumentation has become an irresistible trend of history. In this environment, NI company of American spearheaded the research and development of the virtual instrument, launched a development platform of LabVIEW software.

    The issue is by means of the platform of LabVIEW development to implement a signal generator and test system. This system includes a signal generator and an oscilloscope, which can be controlled by the signal generator waveform and detected by the oscilloscope, of course, the actual design can be considered to increase the number of subsidiary functions.

    In order to realize this subject, we need to grasp the relevant design ideas and the operation of LabVIEW and signal processing and other aspects of relevant knowledge. Based on this knowledge, through the systematic analysis, using the modular design concept, pide this system into signal generation, waveform acquisition, waveform display and control, waveform storage, spectrum analysis, parameter measurement and so on. At first we need to performed the design of each module, then conduct an overall successively connection, thus finally to achieve a more complete functional signal generation and test system.

    Keywords: virtual instrument,signal generator,oscilloscope

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 虚拟仪器的基本概念 1

    1.2 虚拟仪器的构成 1

    1.3 虚拟仪器的优势 1

    1.4 虚拟仪器的现状及发展方向 2

    2 虚拟软件的开发平台LABVIEW简介 5

    2.1 LABVIEW的基本概念 5

    2.2 LABVIEW的模板分析 6

    2.3 本章小结 8

    3 系统的软件设计 9

    3.1 信号发生器的设计 9

    3.2 示波器的设计 15

    3.3 本章小结 27

    4 系统测试 28


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