
    摘要随着当今社会科学技术的日新月异,各类物料输送的生产线对自动化程度的要求也越来越高,原有的生产送料装置,已远远不能满足当前高度自动化的需要。保障生产的安全性、可靠性、降低生产成本、减少环境污染、减轻劳动强度、提高产品的质量及经济效益,是企业生存和发展所必须面临和解决的现实问题。而PLC 控制系统和传统的工控系统相比,具有可靠性高、功能强、编程简单、维护方便以及价廉物美的优点,是自动送料装车系统首选的主控制器件。68245

    本文主要介绍一种利用触摸屏实现 S7-200 系列 PLC 人机界面的设计方法,并结合某货物分拣系统实现Smart line 700IE触摸屏和 S7-200 系列 PLC 人机界面接口的设计和编程。

    毕业论文关键词 :PLC  人机界面  触摸屏


    Title   Designing Monitoring program of Material handling and sorting system based on PLC               


    With the rapid changes in science and technology in society today, various types of material handling automation production line of the increasingly high demand, the original production of feeding device, can not meet the current needs of a high degree of automation. Protect the production of security, reliability, lower production costs, reduce environmental pollution, reduce labor intensity and improve product quality and economic benefits, is the enterprise survival and development must face and solve reality. The PLC control system and compared to the traditional industrial control systems, high reliability, strong function, programming is simple, easy and cheap to maintain the advantages of Automatic Loading System is the main control device of choice.

    This paper mainly introduces a kind of using the touch screen with S7-200 series PLC Human-machine interface design method,combine programming and implementation of Smart line 700IE touch screen with S7-200 series PLC man-machine interface with a cargo sorting system

    Keywords  PLC  Human-machine interface  touch screen



    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  可编程控制器PLC 1

    1.1.1  PLC的特点 2

    1.1.2  PLC与别的控制器的比较 2

    1.2  人机界面HMI 3

    1.2.1  人机界面的特点 4

    1.2.2  组态软件的功能及特点 5

    1.2.3  触摸屏的应用 6

    1.3  本章小结 6

    第2章  硬件设备和组态软件介绍 7

    2.1  监控系统选型 7

    2.2  西门子S7-200 PLC系统概述 7

    2.3  西门子SMART LINE 700IE 触摸屏使用简介 8

    2.3.1  西门子SMART LINE 700IE触摸屏特点 8

    2.3.2  西门子SMART LINE 700IE触摸屏的连接 9

    2.4  WINCC FLEXIBLE组态软件介绍 12

    2.4.1  SMATIC HMI介绍 12

    2.4.2  WINCC FLEXIBLE 的功能和特点

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  2. 下一篇:基于虚拟仪器的信号产生与测试系统设计
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