




    毕业论文关键字:电子秤 压力传感器 STC89C52单片机 HX711


    Title  Miniaturized automatic weighting system of Chinese                                                                                                                                                                        Medicine


    Electronic weighing technology appeared in the 1960s,and it has been developing rapidly.It includes sensor technology, measurement and control technology, microelectronic technology, computer technology, material handling technology and management technology.It has extensive applications.Automatic weighing and packaging systerm of Chinese medicine is one of the typical applications.

    This subject is mainly to complete the design of hardware circuit  of miniaturized weighing system of Chinese medicine .According to the requirement of this weighting systerm,I design the core of the weighting controller,including the selection of sensors, signal amplification, A/D conversion, serial communication etc.Requirements for weighing error is controlled within 1%.

    The resistance strain sensor ranging from 0kg to 5kg measured object weight information.Then Chip HX711 will deal with the information by amplification and AD conversion.At last Single chip microcomputer STC89C52 processes the data and control the systerm.Considering the price of the input and the most basic peeled functions,I add a small keyboard to input commands to the microcontroller.The processed information is displayed through the LCD1602.

    This design not only completed the hardware circuit design, but also completed the relevant software and the welding and debugging of the real, proving the feasibility of the system.

    Key words Electronic scale  Load sensor  STC89S52  HX711

    目  次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 发展方向展望 2

    1.4 电子称重系统关键技术 3

    2 系统硬件方案设计

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