
    亚健康状态是介于健康与疾病之间的状态,它是困扰当今社会的一大健康问 题。能够及时的检测出人们的亚健康状态对临床治疗有很大的帮助,而通过脉搏 测量来诊断身体是否处于亚健康状态的方法已经得到了证实。本文在分析了脉搏 信号特点的基础上确定了采集装置的性能指标及系统总体方案;根据信号的特点 选择了光电传感器测量脉搏信号,并根据传感器的特性设计了信号调理电路;以 STC89C52 为主控芯片基于 C 语言设计了 A/D 转换、无线传输、脉搏频率计算的下 位机软件;基于 LABVIEW 设计了上位机软件,实现了与测试装置的通信与采集数 据的显示,完成数据的处理与分析;对测试系统部分性能进行测试,验证了其可 行性与准确性。68529

    毕业论文关键词 脉搏测量 光电传感器 A/D 转换 51 单片机

    Title Sub-health state pulse monitoring information collector design


    Sub-health state is between the state of health and disease, it is a major social problems of today's health problems. Timely detection of sub-health state of people's clinical treatment of great help, Timely detection of sub-health state of people's clinical treatment of great help, and by measuring the pulse to diagnose whether the body in a healthy condition method has been confirmed. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the pulse signal based on the proposed performance of overall program system about acquisition device; according to the characteristics of the selected signal photoelectric sensor to measure the pulse signal, and according to the characteristics of the sensor designed signal conditioning circuit; STC89C52 as the main chip in C-based language designed A / D conversion, wireless transmission, pulse rate calculation PC software; based on LABVIEW designed PC software, achieve the display in data acquisition and communication with the test device, finish processing and analysis of data; Part of the performance test system for testing to verify its feasibility and accuracy.

    Keywords  Pulse measuring  photoelectric sensor  AD  51 Microcontroller

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.3 本文的主要工作 4

    2 脉搏信息采集器设计要求及工作原理 5

    2.1 脉搏信号的特性分析 5

    2.2 设计的要求(技术要求等) 5

    2.3 脉搏信息采集器工作原理及组成 5

    3 硬件方案 7

    3.1 传感器的选型 7

    3.2 滤波电路设计 8

    3.3 放大电路设计 9

    3.4 主控模块 11

    3.5 无线传输模块 14

    4 软件设计 16

    4.1 下位机程序 16

    4.2 上位机显示程序 22

    5 系统调试 29

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