





    Software design and implementation of robot rescue system

    Abstract:The mainly studies of this topic is the software design of the rescue robot system on the road. The system can be regarded as an intelligent traffic system Composed of multi agents based on the wireless network. Multi agent cooperation can deal with various situations in the rescue scene, and compared with a single multi-function robot system, the system has the advantages of stronger redundancy, higher efficiency and lower cost. The system adopts the idea of distributed control, that is, each agent is an inpidual that can work independently. Compared with centralized systems, the control of distributed systems is more complex, but more redundant. Multi agent communication uses 802.11 or we said WIFI communication, tree structure is used as the network structure, and the positioning is using GPS positioning. Finally, each vehicle can communicate with each other and master the location information, so as to gather, follow and other basic tasks.

    In this topic, the intelligent vehicle with stm32f103ZET6 controller is used as the agent instead of the real vehicle. WIFI and GPS both use the module of "punctual atom" to realize. This topic is the software design part of the team project. The movement is realized by two servo motors and controlled by STM32 output PWM.

    In multi-agent PC is designed for monitoring and management, human-computer interaction and information interaction as a transit station, in order to facilitate debugging PC add manual button control to control the smart car moving around. The host computer is based on c#.net and written by VS2015.

    Through experiments, distributed multi-agent systems based on WIFI and GPS can accomplish the basic tasks, such as clustering

    Keywords:  multi-agent; distributed systems; WIFI;GPS

    目 录

    1.绪论 ..1

    1.1本课题的背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 1

    1.3 发展趋势 2

    2.系统整体设计 4

    2.1 控制结构 4

    2.2通讯网络设计 5

    2.2.1 通信技术的选择 5

    2.2.2 网络结构设计 6

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  2. 下一篇:没有了
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