
    摘要小电流接地系统的配电网供电具有可靠性高,跳闸率低等优点,但是发生故 障时,故障电流小,故障特征不明显,使得故障选线成为一个重大的技术难题。  本文首先分析了中性点不接地系统和中性点经消弧线圈接地系统的故障特 征。其次,本文构造了基于小波暂态测度判据、有功分量算法以及基波零序电流 比幅比相法等选线原理的综合选线判据,并形成多判据的综合选线方法,增强了 选线装置的可靠性和准确性。最终,本文选取适当的芯片,设计了选线装置的硬件 部分和软件流程。其中,中央控制模块采用 ARM 芯片(MK60N512VLQ100),人 机界面的控制采用 32 位 ARM 芯片(LPC2214);电压电流信号的获得采用 16 位DSP 芯片(TMS320F206)。 69954

    该论文有图 30 幅,表 3 个,参考文献 30 篇。 

    毕业论文关键词:软件流程 硬件结构 选线算法 ARM DSP

    Design of Single Phase to Earth Fault Line Selection Device in Small Current Grounding System

    Abstract Small current grounding system has the advantages of high reliability and low trip rate. However, the fault current is small and the fault feature is not obvious, which makes the fault line become a major technical problem.

    First of all, fault characteristics of neutral point non grounded system and neutral point via arc suppression coil grounding system is analyzed.Secondly, based on wavelet transient measure criterion, active component algorithm and the fundamental zero sequence current amplitude ratio method selection principle of line  integrated line selection criterion are constructed in this paper, and the formation of multi criteria comprehensive method for fault line selection, and enhance the reliability and accuracy of the fault line selection device. Finally, the hardware component and software flow of the line selection device are designed.Among, the central control module based on ARM chip MK60N512VLQ100, man-machine interface control The system uses 32 bit ARM chip (LPC2214); voltage and current signals are obtained by using 16 bit DSP chip (TMS320F206).

    The thesis has 30 graphs, 3 tables, and 30 references.

    Keywords:  software  flow  hardware  structure  line  selection  algorithm DSP     ARM


    Abstract II


    1  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 本文的工作内容 2

    2 故障特征和算法分析 3

    2.1 小电流接地方式介绍 3

    2.2  故障特征分析 4

    2.3  选线算法研究 6

    2.4  本章小结 9

    3 硬件设计 10

    3.1 硬件系统的总体设计 10

    3.2 中央控制模块设计 11

    3.3 采集模块设计 16

    3.4 人机交互模块设计 20

    3.5 装置硬件设计的抗干扰措施 22

    3.6 本章小结

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