




    Real - time power analysis and modeling of hybrid electric vehicle based on traffic information

    Abstract:In today's world in the process of development, energy and environmental problems become more and more closely with the car together. Hybrid electric vehicle is an important approach to solve the vehicle exhaust pollution and energy bottleneck problem. The actual vehicle driving road conditions change has an important impact on the power demand of hybrid vehicles in real time, real-time power research analysis and modeling of traffic information based on the development of hybrid vehicle technology has important significance.

    This paper focuses on the research of hybrid vehicle real-time power analysis and modeling of traffic information based on road slope and speed. According to the two kinds of traffic information are studied, a model of the vehicle real-time power model; establishment of UDDS cycle based on road slope; using GPS acquisition instrument, vehicle speed and road elevation data of Beijing Sanhuan. The expressway is collected, the establishment of the Beijing City Expressway SANHUAN cycle. When the vehicle is running speed and the current and future road slope, the battery current value of SOC considering the influence of HEV power in real time.

    Simulation analysis is carried out in the ADVISOR environment, study on the effect of control parameters on the performance of the hybrid vehicle; the road slope based on UDDS cycle, SANHUAN cycle, analysis of its fuel economy, emissions and power components work efficiency changes. Through the comparison, the emission of fuel economy, traffic information based on different degrees of improvement power efficiency components have verified the importance change of traffic information on vehicle performance.

    Keywords: Hybrid electrical vehicle; Real-time power; ADVISOR


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的意义 1

    1.2 课题的目的和要求 2

    1.3 进度安排 2

    2 混合动力汽车 3

    2.1 混合动力汽车介绍 3

    2.2 串联混合动力汽车介绍 4

    2.3 并联混合动力汽车介绍 4

    2.4 混合动力汽车动力总成系统介绍

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