    毕业论文关键词: 施工质量;质量控制;过程控制
     Construction Quality Control of Construction Project
    Abstract:21st century is a century of quality, global competition from price competition to quality competition, with the increasing competition, customers need better quality products and services, increasing competitive pressures require companies to pay more attention to quality issues. Quality directly determines the blueprint for the future development of the company. Therefore, the quality is the first element of survival and development of enterprises, only to improve the quality up, the majority of the people can truly realize the Chinese dream.
    In this paper, urban construction projects in recent years to the construction quality of the data, the quality control of the construction phase for analysis, and discuss issues arising from future development, and to make recommendations for their construction quality control, so as further to the next construction quality control of the promotion and improvement of practical significance and has some positive impact on the people's property and corporate business life cycle to help, so the study of this subject is very necessary.
    Keywords:  construction quality; quality control; process control  
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景和研究意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究的现状    2
    1.3 本文研究的内容    4
    2 工程项目质量控制概述    6
    2.1 工程项目质量特点    6
    2.2.1 工程项目的工程特点和施工的生产特点    6
    2.2.2 施工质量控制的特点    7
    2.2 工程项目的影响因素    9
    2.2.1 人为因素    9
    2.2.2 材料因素    9
    2.2.3 机械因素    10
    2.2.4 方法因素    10
    2.2.5 环境的因素    11
    2.3 工程项目质量控制的程序PDCA    11
    2.4 工程项目质量的控制阶段    12
    2.5 工程项目质量控制的主要任务    13
    2.6 工程项目质量控制的内容    15
    2.6.1 施工方质量控制的基本内容    15
    2.6.2 监理方质量控制的基本内容    16
    2.6.3 设计方质量控制的基本内容    16
    3 工程项目质量控制存在的问题和解决方法    18
    3.1 工程项目质量控制存在的问题    18
    3.1.1 工程建设违反科学的基本建设程序    18
    3.1.2 工程监理存在的问题    18
    3.1.3 建筑施工队伍素质不够    18
    3.1.4 施工过程中的质量控制流于形式    19
    3.1.5 成本与利益的纠结造成的质量缺陷    19
    3.2 工程项目质量控制的解决方法    19
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