




    With the rapid development of modern society,the construction of city road is in a continuous change.At present,the negative influence has impacted the construction of city road in the city’s natural environment.

    Environment and other aspects are also increasingly prominent.It has certain influence to sustainable development of the society.In order to meet the needs of modern society, to road construction planning city better,in or, to conform to the natural environment,to the humanities environment and the ecological environment,landscape designing of the new road is also very important.

    This topic is mainly based on collecting data literature analysis,combined with the actual situation in Jiangsu Province.The city road landscape analyzes the main problems existing in the city road construction in our country.City road landscape greening has protective effects on the ecological environment of the city,also has the role of improvement and promotion of the human living environment.It further explains the research landscape for city road that is essential.Through the research on green issues on City Road to lay a solid foundation for the harmonious development of city road construction after. 

    Keywords:the new road;green;landscape


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 我国道路景观现状 1

    1.2 城市道路景观的定义及其重要性 2

    1.3 城市道路景观的发展与变化 3

    1.3.1 国内道路景观的发展与变化 3

    1.3.2 国外道路景观的发展与变化 4

    第二章 城市道路景观设计原理 5

    2.1 视觉原理 5

    2.2 色彩的心理效应 5

    2.3 美学原理 6

    第三章 城市道路景观的设计与评价 9

    3.1 城市道路网 9

    3.2 城市道路景观设计步骤 11

    3.2.1 环境调查 11

    3.2.2地形和地貌的分析 11

    3.2.3功能分区和总体的布局 11


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