

    Abstract The necessity that social work intervention of community endowment service  is the model of community endowment is still in the stage of exploratory at present in our country , the problems of community home-based care services is service level is low, the lack of capital, services single subject, it is difficult to meet the high level of pension needs of the elderly. But because of the social environment, social work intervention community home care service is not mature in our country , there is lack of social work intervention. This article will take Hangzhou city Qingnian Road community as an example, to explore the feasibility and necessity of the intervention of social work in the community home care services, and to analysis the lack of performance of urban community home care service of social work involvement in community in China and put forward some suggestions to promote the social pension service work, ensure that the intervention of social work in community service home care can effectively, so that the elderly in order to obtain high quality nursing service and their ability to get construction and development.

    毕业论文关键词:居家养老; 社会工作介入; 社区

      Key word: Home-based care;Intervention of social work;Community

    目    录

    摘    要 2

    一、研究方法与个案概况 5

    (一)研究方法 5

    (二)个案概况 5

    二、社会工作介入社区居家养老服务的必要性与可行性 6

    (一)社会工作介入是社区居家养老服务的急迫需求 6

    1.社区居家养老服务要求社会工作介入 6

    2.社会工作介入在当前社区居家养老服务中具有特殊需要 6

    3.社会工作介入居家养老服务有专业优势 7

    (二)居家养老中社会工作介入的条件 8

    1.社会工作介入社区居家养老服务的政策前提 8

    2.社会工作介入社区居家养老服务的人力资源条件 8

    3.社区居家养老服务中介入社会工作的社区条件 9

    三、当前社区居家养老服务中社会工作介入的缺失及其原因 9

    (一)制度供给不足 9

    (二)介入方式单一 9

    (三)人力资源缺乏 10

    (四)思想认识不清 10


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