

    毕业论文关键词:农民工 ;社会保障;医疗卫生

    The Current Situation, Difficulties and Countermeasures of Migrant Workers' Social Security

    Abstract: With the rapid development of social economy, the prosperity and progress of the political civilization, a special group of migrant workers with demand quantity and increasing has been highly concerned about the community, followed by behind the issue of social security of migrant workers has also been a corresponding concern. Solve migrant workers social security problem, need from the national legislation and policy, the government execution, and business related with units and other aspects to take corresponding strategies, and jointly promote the establishment and system of social security legislation system consummation, the migrant workers legitimate rights and interests of society, reasonable protection, the improvement of social status and social public recognition. In the following aspects, the paper analyzes and discusses the current situation and difficulties of the social security of migrant workers, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to solve the problems.

    Key words: Migrant Workers; Social Security; Health Care

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、农民工及社会保障的相关理论概念 2

    (一)农民工的相关概念 2

    (二)社会保障 3

    二、建立农民工社会保障的必要性及现实意义 4

    (一)经济建设的角度 4

    (二)政治维护的角度 4

    (三)社会进步的角度 4

    三、农民工社会保障制度的现状分析 5

    (一)就业歧视影响社会保障的落实 5

    (二)医疗卫生保障 5

    (三)住房现状 6

    (四)子女的照顾与教育问题 6

    (五)政治权利保障问题 6

    四、农民工社会保障的困境 6

    (一)农民工社会保障立法缺失,制度不完善 7

    (二)企业等用人单位逃避为农民工缴纳社会保障费用的责任 7

    (三)农民工从业特点与社会保障制度难以亦步亦趋 8

    五、全面建立、健全农民工社会保障的对策 9

    (一)加强社会保障立法、制度的完善 9

    (二)进行户籍制度改革,消除“二元” 9


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