


    毕业论文关键词    绩效考评   指标体系   绩效评估系统   考核方案  


    Title    Performance Evaluation System Design of Jiuyi    Corporation                                                 

    Abstract   This paper describes the basic concepts of performance evaluation, based on the staff performance appraisal system for the Jiuyi situation and development needs, design and performance evaluation of the Jiuyi evaluation system, and based on the design of performance appraisal evaluation system, the detailed design of the examination and evaluation system function , data structures and system processes, and further gives the general staff appraisal scheme. This design results can be applied to Jiuyi's performance evaluation, but also for the performance evaluation of a similar enterprise to provide reference.

       This paper is pided into five chapters, namely the introduction, and then expounded the basic concepts of performance evaluation, theory-based performance evaluation index system for Jiuyi to design, then the focus of this paper is performance evaluation system design, and finally the Jiuyi staff appraisal scheme design.

    Keywords    Performance Evaluation    Indicator System    Performance Evaluation System    Assessment program   


    1  绪论 3

    1.1  研究背景与意义 3

    1.2  公司介绍 3

    2  绩效评估概述 5

    2.1  绩效评估的概念 5

    2.2  绩效评估的意义和作用 5

    2.3  绩效评估的内容 6

    2.4  绩效评估的对象 7

    3  久一重工绩效评估方法 9

    3.1  评价指标的概念 9

    3.2  选择指标的依据和原则 9

    3.3  确定评价指标体系的步骤 10

    3.4  员工绩效考评指标权重的确定 12

    3.5 对各类人员评估指标设计 13

    4  绩效考核评估系统 23

    4.1  系统功能模块 23

    4.2  数据库设计 24

    4.3  绩效评估系统的处理过程 29

    5 普通员工的考核方案 32

    5.1  目的

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