
         The design of the main contents of the first Novec1230 concepts introduced, and secondly, the amount is Novec1230 calculation method, resistance calculation method, a simple calculation of piping, and finally do a simple design example; thus this design into a coherent whole.
         Novec1230 presentation is the necessity of the design information to explain the background of the design and its impact on future trends in fire protection products, mainly to introduce the concept and comparative information based.
         Novec1230 the amount calculated in relation to the contents of the first calculation is based on calculations, in order << Heptafluoropropane gas fire extinguishing system design specifications of the formula >> for the reference, in accordance with the formula variables involved (altitude correction factor , design concentration, temperature and specific volume) of one by one. The first is the protection zone altitude that altitude correction factor correction on the results of the variable, the majority located in low-lying areas of the city so they amended the results will not be much change; followed types of hazards, namely the design concentration determined for different sources of danger have different design concentration, the concentration of each substance determined by experiment design; temperature on the size also has a great amount of influence; hematocrit is the unique nature of extinguishing agent, but also calculate the points to be determined Its formula.
          Novec1230 resistance calculation in relation to the contents of the second calculation, the resistance is the resistance along the way into the pipe and fittings of local resistance, the resistance along the way, since there are not any ready-made formula, the existing research does not give foreign the formula for use and therefore require access to relevant research materials for gas extinguishing agent and the resistance Novec1230 deduced from the formula. This in the domestic Heptafluoropropane resistance research information as a theoretical basis for derivation. Local resistance calculation is equivalent to the length of the existing methods, the method of thinking by transforming into the local resistance to the calculation of resistance along the way, an equivalent length of pipe can be a list of queries. Resistance calculated on the nozzle selection of great significance, resistance calculation to determine the pressure end of the pipe is the work pressure nozzle, the nozzle is optional basis.
         Piping in a balanced pipeline or pipeline network is as close to the principle of a balanced arrangement, which take into account the balance pipe pipe network can make the force balance of the pipeline, the system is more stable and relatively non-equilibrium pipeline remaining amount of extinguishing agent minimum, while the piping and sprinkler nozzle connection can not be directly connected to the main pipe, the pipe should be used to extend or branch of the pipeline after the nozzle mounted at the end. Piping tee is the key, there are various factors to be considered are also prone to various errors tee layout method makes extinguishing agent flow distribution is unreasonable, it is worth focusing attention.
         The final design examples simulated positions cabin gas fire extinguishing system design, which targeted mobile protection zone, compared to a fixed area of the engine room and other protective factors to be considered more in terms of, for example, on the number of available alternatives selected consider not only the economy, but also consider the weight of the system, the minimum weight of the entire system is generally considered as the best solution, the system can reduce the weight of a small movement of the load, reducing the power consumption or increase the amount of goods and other carriers.
          This design is a theoretical study, the main reference Heptafluoropropane design methods, reference data has domestic papers and also learn from foreign norms, practices have done some experiments also verified the contents of the remaining contents need further validation.
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