
    摘 要:自各高校积极响应教育部组织号召的“卓越教师培养体制改革试点项目方案”以来,学院结合自身实际与教学特点,组织实施的“卓越教师”人才培养计划,在增强师范生学习动机、提升意志品质、强化专业素养等方面取得了显著效果。然而在训练过程中,师范生技能结构、模式与训练方法上仍然存在技能训练失衡、设备有限以及专业技能缺乏自我内化等问题。可以从树立意识,提升师资配备、调整训练方案入手,提出专业技能训练的有效途径,从而为我校卓越教师培养实践提供参考。69830


    Abstract: Drawn from the positive response of the ministry of education group is calling for "outstanding teacher training system reform pilot scheme",   college with its actual characteristics and teaching, organize the implementation of the "great teacher" talent training plan, in enhance students' learning motivation, will quality, strengthening the profe ssional aspects of significant results have been achieved. However in the process of training, the students skills, structure, mode and training methods imbalances still exist on the skills training, equipment LTD and professional skills internalizing problems such as lack of self. Can from set up the consciousness, promote staffed, adjust the training plan, puts forward the effective ways to the professional skills training, so as to provide reference for excellence in our school teacher training practice.

    Keywords:Preschool education professional,Excellent teachers,Skills training,The        investigation and study



    目   录

    1  研究背景 3

    2  研究方法 3

    3  调查结果与分析 3

    3.1  “卓越教师班”实践的经验 3

    3.1.1  增强学习动机,明确人生志向 3

    3.1.2  体验学习快乐,学习意志品质 4

    3.1.3  收获专业成长,提升职业素养 5

    3.2  “卓越教师”专业培养中存在的问题 5

    3.2.1  训练失衡,技能发展不全面 5

    3.2.2  设备师资有限,训练得不到保证 6

    3.2.3  专业技能缺乏自我内化 7

    4  讨论与建议 7

    4.1  树立均衡发展,优中有长的意识 7

    4.2  完善设备、提升师资,满足个性化指导 8

    4.3  调整训练方案,适应现实新需求 8

    4.3.1  加强理论素养的培养 8

    4.3.2  联系专业技能与教学实际 9

    结语 10

    参考文献 11

    附录A 12

    附录B 13

    附录C 13


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