    Design and Implementation of Middle School Teaching Network
    Abstract: In all ages, social position of education is in a rising trend. With the development of science technology and network, everything requires high efficiency and high execution in this era with fast rhythm,so does the teaching. With the development of the network, teaching becomes more and more convenient. Teachers and students can communicate about the students’ situations in any places, such as in the school,in the company and even at home. There is no need for students to go to the teachers’ office, they can upload their own homework online at any time and know whether they have completed it well or not, which can not only save a lot of time,but also can make them get better feedback. So in the education field, the demand for network is becoming more and more obvious. The realization of the teaching website has broken the traditional teaching mode. Network breaks the limits of the time and the place, it sets up a better bridge between students and teachers, which makes students be more willing to accept.
    Keywords: MyEclipse 8.5;homework management;teaching network;message board;Java
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的背景及意义    1
    1.1.1 研究背景    1
    1.1.2 研究意义    1
    1.2 本文研究内容...................1
    1.2.1 梳理教学网站的工作流程    1
    1.2.2 本教学网站的三类用户群    1
    1.3 本章小结    2
    第2章  课题的系统分析    3
    2.1 可行性分析    3
    2.1.1 经济可行性    3
    2.1.2 技术可行性    3
    2.2 需求分析    3
    2.2.1 本教学网系统的用户需求分析    3
    2.2.2 本教学网系统的功能需求分析    3
    2.3 本章小结    5
    第3章  系统概要设计    6
    3.1 本文所用相关技术介绍    6
    3.1.1  Struts架构介绍    6
    3.1.2  Hibernate技术介绍    7
    3.2 数据库的设计    8
    3.2.1  数据的需求分析    8
    3.2.2  数据的概念和逻辑设计    9
       3.3 教学网系统总体的设计    10
       3.4 本章小结    10
    第4章  本教学系统详细设计与实现    12
    4.1 不同用户群登录功能的设计与实现    12
    4.1.1  不同用户登录功能的设计    12
    4.1.2  不同用户登录功能的实现    12
    4.2 学生用户注册功能的设计与实现    13
    4.2.1  学生用户注册功能的设计    13
    4.2.2  学生用户注册功能的实现    13
    4.3 系统管理员对用户管理功能的设计与实现    14
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