    毕业论文关键词:  滚轮;磨损;精密
    Design of precision CNC dressing device
    Abstract:With the gradual development of CNC cylindrical grinder machine, thread grinding machine in the field of machinery,use precision CNC dressing device for the timely and effective dressing is very important.Wheel’s surface precision will directly affect the dimensional accuracy, grinding roundness and surface roughness in abrasive machining.This paper introduces the characteristics and developing prospects of form grinding briefly and analyses the importance of maintaining high precision wheel in grinding,indicates the purpose and significance of this topic design.In the design of precision CNC dressing device in order to ensure the high precision trimming,through selecting various equipments that can improve the accuracy,then put them together reasonable and meet the design requirements.
        This design uses the diamond roller dressing, diamond roller wears small in the dressing process, so it can be very good to reduce error caused by itself in the trim.The whole device uses cross roller guide rail, the corrugated tube elastic coupling and angular contact ball bearings and any equipments that can ensure the accuracy.In addition,in order to improve the accuracy of the device,high accuracy grating and closed loop control are used in this design.The accurate measure of high accuracy grating with the function to correct error of closed loop control,make the whole device on the precision requirements with better assurance.
    Key Words:  Roller;Wear;Precision
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  成型磨削加工技术简介    1
    1.2  数控成型平面磨床简介    2
    1.3  数控平面磨床发展现状及数控系统    2
    1.4  发展数控成型平面磨床的意义    3
    1.5  数控修整器齿轮磨床应用实例    4
    1.6  数控成型平磨应用实例    4
    2  精密数控修整装置设计综述    5
    2.1  数控砂轮修整装置工作原理    5
    2.1.1  单点金刚石笔修整    5
    2.1.2  金刚石滚轮修整    6
    2.2  数控砂轮修整装置的主要应用领域    6
    3  精密数控修整装置的设计方案介绍    7
    4  设计要求    7
    5  设计内容    8
    5.1  交流伺服电机的选择    8
    5.2  高精度金刚滚轮的设计    8
    5.3  金刚滚轮主轴的设计    10
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