    摘要: 该毕业设计为液压轴承压机的设计。它是将轴承用液压的方式压入轴中的设备。众所周知,轴承是机械装置中的重要回转零件,作为消耗性机械基础件已被大规模应用于机械制造业。随着世界工业水平的不断进步,机械产品的更新换代和使用率的提高都会增加对轴承的消耗,尤其是汽车行业的发展,轴承安装的好坏直接影响轴承的精度,性能及寿命。原来压装轴承都需要人工砸入,对轴承的配合和结构都容易在装配过程中产生不可逆转的影响。本次设计是为了解决这个问题,并满足轴承的大批量的压装。作为一款半自动化机械,轴承压机的出现大大降低了劳动力的占用,提高了生产效率。 本设计是针对传统液压轴承压机在批量生产中生产效率不高的问题,而设计的一台新型多工位的压机,这台设备将广泛运用于汽车转向器蜗杆轴承压装中。27782
    毕业论文关键词:  轴承;液压;批量
    The design of bearing hydraulic press
    Abstract: This design of graduation is about a hydraulic bearing press. It is equipment by which we can press a bearing onto a spindle in the way of hydraulic pressure. As is known to all, a spindle is one of the most important rotative parts in a mechanical device, and it has been widely applied in mechanical manufactualing industry as a consumptive mechanical basic part. With the improvement of the worldwide industry, the consumption of spindles will be increased because of the rising upgrading and usage of mechanical products, and especially in the development of automobile industry, whether a spindle is mounted well or not will directly affect the accuracy, performance and lifetime of bearings. Originally, it always needs people to press bearings in, so it is rather difficult to avoid irreversible effects in the fit and constructions of the bearings in mounting. This problem will be solved in this design and meet the demands of mass press. As a semi-automation machine, the appearance of bearing presses has greatly decreased the occupation of labour force and increased manufacturing efficiency. Aiming at the low manufacturing efficiency in mass manufaction of traditional hydraulic bearing press, a new type of press with more positions is designed in this article ,and it will be widely used in pressing worm bearings in automoble steering devices.
    Keywords: Bearing;Hydraulic;Batch
    目 录
    1  绪论1
    1.1    课题的研究背景1
    1.2    自动装配机械的介绍1
    1.3    发展自动装配的意义1
    1.4    课题的设计要求与参数3
    1.4.1  设计的目的与要求3
    1.4.2  设计的主要参数3
    1.4.3  设计的技术要点3
    1.4.4  主要组成部分3
    2  液压轴承压机方案的设计.4
    2.1  确定课题的控制方式4
    2.2  液压轴承压机驱动执行机构的选用4
    2.3  液压轴承压机结构形式的确定5
    2.3.1  液压轴承压机的两种布置形式5
    2.3.2  立式液压轴承压机的结构形式6
    2.4  确定液压压紧系统和数控送料系统的工作流程6
    2.4.1  主缸动作油路线6
    2.4.2  数控送料7
    2.4.3  数控送料的注意事项8
    2.5  液压轴承压机方案9
    3  结构的设计与选用.10
    3.1  压杆的设计10
    3.2  顶梁的设计及校核10
    3.2.1  顶梁的设计10
    3.2.2  顶梁的校核10
    3.3  立柱的设计及校核12
      3.3.1  立柱的设计12
      3.3.2  立柱抗拉强度的校核12
    3.4  导轨的选用13
    3.5  丝杆的选用14
    3.5.1  滚珠丝杆的安装方式14
    3.5.2  滚珠丝杆的选用15
    3.6  床身的设计16
    3.7  电机的选取17
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