






    Abstract  Non-contact Bernoulli vacuum cups as a new pneumatic components, drawing on the work and maintain a non-contact state. Therefore, it has the advantage of being sucked workpiece is to prevent pollution, no damage, non-contact, etc., in the pharmaceutical, semiconductor and other parts of the non-destructive and on industries with high cleanliness urgent and widespread application requirements.     

         International literature in this area are few reports on the non-contact Bernoulli vacuum cups rarely open design methods and theories can be applied. Therefore, in order to open up to non-contact vacuum sucker awareness, the need for Bernoulli vacuum suction technology, suction cup structure design, dynamic operating characteristics and system integrators in-depth study. In this paper, structural design, system simulation, platform design and other research work and achieved certain results are as follows:    

          (1)Design a large-scale structure of vacuum suction cups can pick up large wafers, thereby sucker structural design and performance testing of the foundation.

          (2)Simulated using the Fluent software sucker internal flow field for each sucker also carried out simulation analysis, the results for the non-contact Bernoulli vacuum cups and system design and operation of a very important reference value.

          (3) Design a unique gas transmission system, to achieve a flexible sucker movement, in order to achieve a multi-faceted absorb large silicon capabilities. It thus allows us to derive a Bernoulli-type non-contact vacuum handling system design and application of valuable experience.

    Keywords:non-contact;numerical simulation;vacuum cup;system simulation 

     目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景和意义 1

    1.2 非接触式真空搬运技术研究现状 1

    1.2.1 非接触夹持方式的实现形式 2

    1.2.2 非接触夹持方式的优点 4

    1.3 伯努利式非接触真空吸盘 5

    1.4 主要内容 7

    第二章 真空吸盘原理及结构设计 8

    2.1 工作原理

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