


    The general education workers paid more attention to the study of mathematics teaching and problem solving in high school from an advanced standpoint. 

    Based on middle school mathematics teaching present situation, this paper points out that the middle school mathematics teachers should improve their own advanced mathematics, as well as changing roles in mathematics teaching. Middle school mathematics teachers should also be appropriate to introduce the history of mathematics, pay attention to the formation of knowledge.

    In the last few years, the "high point" test questions are highly symbolizing, this paper puts forward some countermeasures for teachers and students to solve this kind of problems. Teachers should firmly grasp the essence of the concept of mathematics, at the same time, teachers should foster students 'ability of choosing appropriate mathematical symbols to solve problems and flexibly using of symbols to accurately computing, and fully display the thinking process of solving mathematical problems to students. For students, first of all, they should overcome the psychological fear in solving problems. Secondly, cultivating the spirit of innovation was also helpful. Finally, improving their ability to abstract and summarize, thus students could change mathematical problem which based on advanced mathematics into their own familiar pattern.


    Keyword: Advanced mathematics; Mathematics teaching in middle school; Mathematical problem solving strategy


    第一章 绪论 4

    1.1国内外研究背景 4

    1.2研究内容与意义 4

    第二章“高观点”指导下中学数学教学上的转变 5

    2.1中学数学教学现状 5

    2.2中学数学教师教学上的改变 5

    2.2.1数学史专题选讲,注重知识的形成过程 5

    2.2.2更新教学理念,提升自身专业素养 6

    2.2.3“高观点”教学借助工具,直观教学 6

    2.2.4教师教学角色的改变 7

    2.2.5教学评价模式的改变 7

    第三章 “高观点”指导下中学解题上的革新 7

    3.1高考命题趋势 7

    3.2高观点试题的特性分析 8

    3.2.1高度符号化 8

    3.2.2知识内容高观点 9

    3.2.3理解水平高观点 9

    3.3“高观点”指导下解题上的建议 10


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