    Acknowledgments I am grateful to all those who have helped me in the completion of the thesis.
    My profound gratitude goes firstly to Prof. He Maolin, my supervisor, who has given me constant guidance during the process of this thesis. Her generously sharing of inspirational and provocative ideas has always been a valuable source of my paper. Thank you for giving me so many advices and revising my paper. Moreover, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the authors mentioned in the dissertation for their excellent work.
    Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the respectable teachers of Shanghai Institute of Technology, from whom I have benefited a lot in the field of English studies. 4474
    Herman Melville is not only one of the greatest romanticists in American literary history but also an influential writer in world literature. Moby Dick, Herman Melville's masterpiece, is now considered to be one of the world's greatest works although the initial critical responses to this novel were generally negative. Moby Dick reveals Melville's profound insight into the relationship between human beings and nature and his preoccupation with human fate in the universe. In Moby Dick, Melville has woven the Pequod crew of different races and beliefs together. By analyzing the connection and contrast of their actions and fates in front of nature, this thesis is to summarize the proper way that human beings and nature interact.

    This thesis aims to make a research for the relationship between human and nature in novel Moby Dick. With the development of society, the relationship between human and nature is still a hot topic. The natural philosophy of the novel is exactly what we need now. Why does the writer create this work? What opinion does he want to express? What can his opinion bring to modern society? The thesis is to find these answers and help us understand the relationship between human and nature better. And I write this thesis from four aspects. The first part is about the main information of the novel including the description of the main characters . And the second is about natural consciousness of main characters, which makes an analysis of main characters’ attitude to the nature. In the third part, the author focuses on the symbolism of relationship between man and nature in Moby Dick. And in the last part, the point is to reveal modern value of the relationship between man and nature in Moby Dick.
    Key words: human, nature, relationship, modern value

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