摘 要《雾都孤儿》是查尔斯•狄更斯最著名的作品之一,反映19世纪英国社会最底层人民悲惨的生活。本文采用分析法,首先介绍作者及小说的主要内容;接着分析当时的社会环境;然后从社会环境和对主要人物的分析两个方面入手,论证社会对奥利弗生活、教育、思想及性格所造成的负面影响。通过深入分析,给现代人带来的启发是社会环境对儿童成长具有重要意义及对整个社会发展起着一定的推动作用,从而得出结论,《雾都孤儿》这部作品具有深远的社会意义。20059
关键词:奥利弗; 社会环境; 负面影响
Oliver Twist is one of the greatest works of Charles Dickens which mainly reflects the miserable life of citizens at the bottom of society in England in the 19th century. This paper will firstly introduce the author and the main content of the novel, then will analyze the prevailing social environment and the main characters in the novel, and finally will come to the analysis of the social negative influences on the life, education, ideas, and personality of the hero. Though thorough analysis, people nowadays can get the enlightenment that social environment plays an important role in the child’s growth and in promoting the development of the whole society. Thus, a conclusion is drawn that Oliver Twist has a far-reaching social significance.
Key words: Oliver; social environment; negative influences
An Analysis of the Negative Influences on the Hero in Oliver Twist
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Analysis of the Background of Oliver Twist 3
2.1 The Social Reality in England in the19th Century 3
2.2 Ideological Background 5
III. Analysis of the Characters in Oliver Twist 8
3.1 Oliver 8
3.2 Nancy 9
3.3 Monks 11
Ⅳ. Analysis of the Negative Influences of Society on Oliver Twist 12
4.1 Personalities analysis 12
4.1.1 Kindness 12
4.1.2 Perseverance 12
4.1.3 Braveness 13
4.2 Negative Influences of Society on Oliver Twist 13
4.2.1 Social Negative Influence on Oliver’s Life 13
4.2.2 Social Negative Influence on Oliver’s Education 13
4.2.3 Social Negative Influence on Oliver’s Character 14
4.2.4 Social Negative Influence on Oliver’s mind 15
V. Conclusion 16
Bibliography 17
Acknowledgements 18
I. Introduction
Charles Dickens is the prominent novelist of the 19th century in British. He was born on February 7, 1812, in England. His parents were middle-class, but they suffered financially as a result of living beyond their means. At 11 years old, as his father was in debt, the family was put in a debt prison. Forced by the plight, he had become a child labor in a boot and shoe cream workshop. The miserable experience in his young mind left psychic trauma, not only his deep concern and sympathy for the unfortunate children, and prompted him to struggle to escape poverty. As a young adult, he worked as a law clerk and later as a journalist. His experience as a journalist kept him in close contact with the darker social conditions of the Industrial ‘Revolution, and he grew disillusioned with the attempts of lawmakers to alleviate those conditions. This painful experience is the book origin of the Oliver Twist. In Oliver Twist, Dickens presents the everyday existence of the lowest member of English society. He goes far beyond the experiences of poverty to London’s squalid streets, dark alehouse, and thieves’ dens. He gives voice to those who had no voice, establishing a link with his social commentary.
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