摘 要在传统的研究视野中,矛盾修辞法只是所有的修辞法中一个极为普遍的修辞格,并未成为主要的研究目标。然而,在当代的研究环境下,学者给予了辞格研究新的生命。传统的辞格研究方法,已经非常陈旧,而且研究方法和视野都存在很大的缺陷,因此,更新研究方法,寻找新视野是历史和学科发展的必然。在修辞格中,我们发现有一种辞格有很大的差别,却没有引起研究者的注意,这个辞格是“矛盾修辞法”。这种辞格与其它辞格不同,而且出现的频率也低,但是它是一种非常典型的辞格。因此,作者试图探索矛盾修辞法涉及其在文学作品中的应用。首先,我们将全面回顾“矛盾修辞法”的各种定义,以及它的结构,这是研究它的必要前提,然后,我们从文学的角度对矛盾修辞法进行了简要的综述,同时也为他人的研究提供了历史学科基础。本文从矛盾修辞法在文学作品中的运用的角度去研究,从中也可以看出矛盾在语言和人类思文中的作用可能远远超出我们目前所认识的那样。因此,对于矛盾修辞法就有更多的研究和探索的可能。21904
In all rhetorical devices, “oxymoron” is just a very common figure of speech in traditional views, and it has never entered the mainstream of academic studies. However, people facilitate the study of figurative language and give spacious room for the study. As is known to all, the traditional approaches to study figures of speech are quite outdated and there many shortcomings in them. So it is necessary to seek new perspectives to update the study. From the study of figures of speech, there is a very special figure which is different from those figures which have been devotedly studied. The special figure is “oxymoron”. Even through it does not appear frequently in languages as other rhetorical devices, oxymoron stands for another special sort of figurative language. Thus, the author tries to explore oxymoron and its application in some literary works. First of all, this paper will present its definitions and structures, which are also the necessary premise of the study. And then, this paper will give the historical and contemporary study stating from the aspects of literature. So it gives the historical and subjective basis for the later generations. This paper will study the application of oxymoron in literary works from the literal perspectives, and we can find that the universal signification in language and human cognition may be beyond our current level. Therefore, great efforts need to be made for the study of oxymoron.
Key words: oxymoron; rhetoric; literary; application
The Application of Oxymoron in Literary Works
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II.The Definitions and Characteristics of Oxymoron 2
2.1 Definition of the English Oxymoron 2
2.2 The Characteristics of Oxymoron 2
III. The Formation of Oxymoron 3
3.1 The External Structure 3
3.2 The Internal Structure 4
Ⅳ. The Application of Oxymoron in Literary Works 5
4.1 The Application of Oxymoron in Shakespeare’s Plays 6
4.1.1 Introduction to Shakespeare 6
4.1.2 The Application of Oxymoron in Shakespeare’s Plays 6
4.2 The Application of Oxymoron in Xu Zhimo’s Poem 11
4.2.1 Introduction to Xu Zhimo 11
4.2.2 The Application of Oxymoron in “Sayonara- to a Japanese Girl” 12
4.3 The Application of Oxymoron in John Milton’s Poem 13
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