
    4.3.1 Introduction to John Milton    13
    4.3.2 The Application of Oxymoron in “Paradise Lost”    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I. Introduction

    Generally speaking, oxymoron is a special figure of speech, and frequently used in English. Oxymoron derives from Greek “oxusmoros”. Oxus means sharp, and moros means foolish, stupid, and dull. However, the meaning of oxymoron is pointed foolish or sharp foolish. Therefore, its history in language should be very long, and it is a traditional figure of speech. “Oxymoron” firstly appeared in English in 1640, but only academic scholars and students of rhetoric knew it. Until the 1960s and 1970s, this word appeared frequently in colleges. With the continuous development of language standardization, scholars pay attention to rhetoric of speeches, such as simile, metaphor, personification, and so on. Whether in the practice of language or the theory of language, it’s necessary that people have a further analysis and study about this common and special rhetoric of speech. In the foreign history, with the climax of the English Renaissance, rhetoric in England was processed with the same fervor as in other humanist cultures, for the increasing role it played in education. Therefore, oxymoron was a very popular rhetoric device at that time. As we all know, oxymoron achieves special rhetorical effects and plays special roles in literature and physical world. It has been widely applied in literary works and daily communication, especially to create unusual effect or to realize the aim of strong exaggeration, humor, etc. Firstly, it can expose every kind of contradictory phenomenon in the subjective and objective world. Secondly, it can express the person of philosophical thought. Finally, it can open and enlighten the readers from all-round and multilevel effect. In many literary works, the authors use oxymoron to express contradictory feelings, which give people a deep impression. Therefore, this paper will explore the application of oxymoron in some literary works.
    II. The Definition and Characteristics of Oxymoron

    2.1 Definition of the English Oxymoron
    “Oxymoron” firstly appeared in English in 1640, but only academic scholars and students of rhetoric knew it. Until the 1960s and 1970s, this word appeared frequently in colleges. However, oxymoron is one of the figures of speech firstly studied by Aristotle. And John Evans quoted from Aristotle’s Rhetoric and said that “rhetoric relates to common sense and verdicts of the masses, but what oxymoron expresses is neither common nor verdicts of the masses. It is the rhetorical figure, which despises the traditional rhetorical basis.” (84).
    In Longman Modern English Dictionary, it is defined as a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce an epigrammatic effect. And in Oxford English Dictionary, its definition is that a rhetorical figure by which contradictory or incongruous terms are conjoined so as to give point to the statement or expression; an expression in its superficial or literal meaning self-contradictory or absurd, but involving a point. A lot of authors also give a definition to oxymoron.
    2.2 The Characteristics of Oxymoron
    As we all know, oxymoron achieves special rhetorical effects and plays special roles in literature and physical world. It has the following characteristics.
    Firstly, oxymoron has the analysis of the meaning. It can prove various aspects of the world observed from different angles, depict the conflict between the appearance and the essence, and demonstrate the two opposite features exist in one entity.
    Secondly, due to oxymoron is an effective rhetoric method employed to show intensive, succinct words, oxymoron has the succinctness and emphases of the language. For instance:
    The dismal situation waste and wild,
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