    摘 要高中是成材教育的预备阶,要培养具有专业知识和外语能力的创新人才必需提高教师的专业素养,关注并提高高中英语教师专业发展。由于高级人才必须通晓以英语为主的外语,所以高中英语教师的专业发展直接决定着成材教育的质量。21978
    Abstract Senior high school is the preparatory stage of talent education.If we want to cultivate a great number of high-quality innovative talents with hi-tech expertise as well as foreign language skills, we must strive to improve the quality of teaching in high schools, of which one key activity is to improve the professional qualities of teachers.In the study, a survey of the current professional development of English teachers has been done within the 14 high schools in Henan Province. Investigation
    and analysis have been performed for the causes of the existing problems so that the corresponding responses have been put forward.
    Key words:high school English teacher; professional development; tactic
     Investigation and Research on the Professional Development of the English Teachers in High Schools
    摘 要    ii
    Abstract    iii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review    2
    2.1 Teacher Professionalization    4
    2.2 Teacher Professional Development    5
    2.3 Teacher Training and Development    6
    III. Research Design    7
    3.1 The Purpose of the Research    7
    3.2 The Subjects of the Research    7
    3.3 The Instruments of the Research    8
    IV. Findings and Proposes    8
    4.1 Findings of the Personal Information and Education Background    8
    4.2 Proposals of Providing Pertinent Training for High School English Teachers    14
    V.Conclusion    15
    Reference    17
    Acknowledgements    19
    I. Introduction

    There is a great disparity in English teaching compared with the neighboring countries, and it is enlarging with the development of economy and technology year by year. Students study mainly relies on input of plenty of language and the teachers’ instruction. Therefore, English teachers’ professional accomplishment directly influences their overall quality and the results of English education. English teachers have pivotal role that can’t be substituted in the process of promoting the students’ ability of foreign language. At the same time, English teachers are also taking the responsibility of improving English teaching quality, which is the mission of English teachers in the new century, and it urges English teachers to carry out professional development.
    The people’s understanding of teacher professional status is insufficient; even some people think that as long as one has a certain diploma may teach in his or her lifetime, which seriously affects the understanding of their professional development. In fact, teachers must take part in their professional development so as to meet the needs of modern society. Professor Zhong Qiquan points out, “The biggest challenge brought by the curriculum reforms is challenge to ‘the teacher professionalism’”. (2000) Success or failure in curriculum reform relies on the teachers. The teachers act as the bridge connecting ideal and reality, theory and practice. Therefore how to make the teachers have the high professional development accomplishment becomes the expectations both the entire educational fields and the society. In other words, teachers will be the owner of the new curriculum initiatively, not accept the curriculum passively. Obviously, the teacher professional development is the key in the new curriculum.
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