
    Abstract Constructivism theory holds that learning is a process in which the learners construct meaning actively. Constructivism emphasizes the cognitive subject role of the learners as well as the guidance role of the teachers. This paper expounds the four basic factors of constructivism theory, including context, cooperation, conversation and meaning construction. This paper considers that in the English reading teaching process which is guided by constructivism theory, the teachers need to put emphasis on the subject status of the students, in addition, the teachers should stick to some teaching principles, such as cooperation-orientedness principle, learner-centredness principle, content-orientedness principle and so on. In the process of English reading teaching, the teachers have to set explicit learning objectives for the students and make good use of teaching materials and multi-media. Besides that, the teachers ought to establish language learning situations for the students and encourage them to carry out cooperative learning. Moreover, the teachers need to evaluate and reflect the learning process, so that the language competence and the autonomous learning ability of the students can be improved greatly.63260

    Key words: English reading teaching; constructivism; teaching strategy 




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 The Definition of Reading 2

    2.2 Foreign Research in Reading 4

    2.3 Domestic Research in Reading 5

    3. An Overview of Constructivism 5

    3.1 Constructivism 5

    3.2 The Constructivist View of Learning 6

    3.3 The Constructivist View of Teaching 8

    3.4 The Constructivist View of Students 8

    3.5 The Constructivist View of Teachers 9

    4. Principles of Constructivist Foreign Language Teaching 9

    4.1 Cooperation-orientedness 10

    4.2 Learner-centredness 10

    4.3 Content-orientedness 11

    5. Teaching Strategies for Constructivist English Reading 12

    5.1 Creative Use of Teaching Materials 12

    5.2 Setting Explicit Aims 13

    5.3 Establishing Situations 13

    5.4 Exploration and Cooperation 14

    5.5 Making Use of Multi-media 14

    5.6 Evaluation and Reflection of Meaning Construction 15

    6. Conclusion 16

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