
    1. Introduction 

    With the rapid development of the society, English as an international language is playing an increasingly important role in the international community. So far as English learning is concerned, English reading teaching has been in a very important position in Chinese high school because English reading is a very important skill. Through English reading, students can get a lot of information, master the language knowledge and improve English comprehensive abilities.

    According to high school English teaching syllabus, the primary goal is to develop the students’ reading ability. Chinese students studying English as a foreign language, they learn to listen, speak, write and translate through reading. Only through reading can our students learn English without being restricted by time, occasion and place. Without reading, there is no language learning. For this reason, if students want to learn English well, they must read widely. Meanwhile reading has been recognized as the most important way to get information in foreign language learning for a long time, so the teachers and researchers paid a great deal of attention to the fostering of the reading ability.

    In traditional English teaching, although teachers paid much attention to English reading teaching, the teaching effect was not ideal. There are many different reasons, for example, students do not adopt right and effective reading strategies and teachers neglect to provide guidance of reading methods for students. Teachers mainly focus on the explanation of vocabulary and language points in class, but ignore students’ interest in reading and reading ability. Students have little time to think independently and communicate with each other, their learning are passive. It can be seen that there is a gap between teaching and learning.

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