
    As an ancient Chinese idiom goes,  “民以食为天”(Food is the first necessity of man). Food is universally among the top routine topics in China. As is known to all, people of different nations live in their unique geographical regions and natural surroundings, thus they have different living conditions and diet habits which hence further form their unique food culture. As time goes by, huge amount of idioms have originated from food culture, which have been further given abundant meanings with strong national and cultural characteristics. Thus, making a contrastive study of English and Chinese dietary idioms has significance as follows: better understanding of both English and Chinese idioms; shed a light on the better translating of both English and Chinese dietary idioms and in mutual understanding of food culture between China and English speaking countries and which hence may shed light on the cross. Cultural communication between English and Chinese is important, especially for language learners like the author or people who may be subjected to cross-cultural adaptation. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the comparative study proposed by Yang Zijian and the intercultural communication put forward by Guan Shijie.
  1. 上一篇:英文论文浅析刻意曲解的语用研究
  2. 下一篇:从中美饮食文化的差异探究中餐菜名的可译性与不可译性
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