

    毕业论文关键词  狗   动物习语   情感   语言学

    Title  On The Emotional Differences between Animal-Related Idioms in Chinese and English — A Case Study of “Dog”


    This paper compares the emotional differences reflected by animal-related idioms in Chinese and English with “dog” as the common image of, and tries to explore the linguistic theory for evidences. Based on the detailed review of previous studies, this paper establishes a specific corpus with “dog” as the key word, and then adopts a combination method of questionnaire and personal interview, for the consideration of qualitative and quantitative research. Finally, it brings the findings under the explanation of linguistics, such as emotive function of language, the use of metaphor, Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, etc. It is hoped to assist the research on the emotional differences reflected by animal-related idioms of different languages as a whole.

    Keywords   Dog   Animal-Related Idioms   Emotion   Linguistics

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Theme 1

    1.2 Organization 1

    1.3 Significance of this Paper 2

    2 The Previous Studies of Animal-related Idioms 2

    2.1 Characteristics of Idioms 3

    2.2 Differences in the Meaning 3

    2.3 Factors Contributing to the Differences 3

    3 Research Methodology and Process 5

    3.1 Specific Corpus Centering on “Dog” 5

    3.2 Questionnaire 6

    3.3 Personal Interview 7

    4 Results and Analysis 7

    5 Linguistics Evidences for Emotional Differences of Animal-related Idioms 9

    5.1 Emotive Function of Language 9

    5.2 Use of Metaphor 10

    5.3 Language, Culture and Society 11

    Conclusion 14

    Acknowledgements 16

    Bibliography 17

    Appendix 18

    1 Introduction

    Idioms, as the essence of language, are born with strong ethnic colors and distinctive cultural connotations, and also can manifest people’s emotional preference towards a certain item. 

    1.1 Theme

    Both English and Chinese are abundant with idioms, whose meanings are difficult for foreign learners to acquire due to their unique characteristics. Considering the fact that idioms with animals as key words take up a large proportion of the whole, and they have the typical features of idioms as a whole, this paper tries to conduct a research on the emotional differences of animal-related idioms in Chinese and English, and to explore the linguistic factors. All the research is conducted based on the most common animal, both to English and Chinese, “dog”. It is hoped that this paper can meet the goal of viewing animal-related idioms in Chinese and English from a new perspective and providing some suggestions to ESL learners.

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