
    Abstract Both English and Chinese have long history and rich cultural heritage. There are lots of words or phrases connected to animals in these two languages. Cultural connotations of these animal words show different cultural mentalities, values and social styles of different countries, also reflect gorgeous cultures of these countries as well. Most animal words or phrases have similar meanings in Chinese or English, but due to different cultural backgrounds, same animal idioms may have different cultural connotations. Animal idioms usually have distinctive national identities and some animal idioms have different commendatory or derogatory meanings. This thesis mainly analyzes the influence of culture on animal idioms and helps us to understand the cultural differences between English and Chinese. Knowing about these differences will help us to convey the right information in translation and intercultural communication. 62477

    Key words: animal idioms; connotations; cultural origin; cultural differences

    摘要英语和汉语有着悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。在这两种语言中有许多关于动物的单词或词组。这些动物词汇的文化内涵表现出不同的文化心态,价值观和国家的社会风俗,同时也反映出了不同国家丰富的文化内容。英汉语言中对这些动物的特性的看法总体一致, 因此无论是汉语还是英语,大多数动物词或词组含义都是相同或相近的,但是由于不同的文化背景,我们又对同一动物词赋以不同的文化内涵,通常一种动物的象征意义完全相同而其文化内涵却有明显差异,相互矛盾甚至相反,动物词常带有鲜明的民族文化特征,部分动物词具有不同的褒贬含义。本文从比较两种语言中一些有代表性的动物词汇入手,探讨其在中西文化中所体现出的不同的文化意蕴, 帮助我们了解英语和汉语之间的文化差异,减少跨文化交际中的语言障碍。

    毕业论文关键词:动物习语; 联想意义;文化根源;文化差异

    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3 Comparison of Animal Idioms Between English and Chinese 3

    3.1 Same Animal Words With Similar Cultural Connotations 3

    3.2 Same Animal Words With Different Cultural Connotations 4

    3.3 Different Animal Words With Similar Cultural Connotations 5

    4. Tracing the Causes of Symbolic Meaning in Animal Idioms 6

    4.1 Ethnic Aesthetic Values 6

    4.2 Religion and Legends 6

    4.3 Literature Works 7

    4.4 Geographical Factors 8

    5. How to Avoid Pragmatic Failures While Using Animal Idioms in Intercultural Communication 8

    5.1 Learning More Cultural Background Knowledge 9

    5.2 Using Different Strategies of Translation .. 9

    6. Conclusion 10

    Works Cited 12

    1. Introduction

    In the long course of human history, animals keep a close relation with human beings, and influence human’s existence and development very deeply. This intimate relationship between human and animal makes people have complex emotions for animals, like love, sympathy, disgust or fear. People often use animals to express their emotional sustenance, so there are many vocabularies related to animals in both English and Chinese cultures. Vocabularies reflect culture differences in development. Due to the influence of history, customs, values, religion and other aspects of cultural factors, English and Chinese animal idioms are given specific cultural connotations. In this thesis, with examples of animal words from different culture backgrounds and foundations, we will compare similarities and differences of animal idioms, which have cultural connotation in English and Chinese, and we will also pay attention to translation to make sure people can understand each other smoothly and properly in intercultural communication.

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