
    Abstract With the development of global economy, the international business negotiations have become more and more frequent in economic activities. As a international language, English naturally becomes a lingua franca, and plays an important role in the international business negotiations. This paper concerns English as a lingua franca (ELF) in the international business negotiations and introduces its definition, characteristics and its role in the international business negotiations. Besides, this paper introduces some language strategies in the international business negotiations.  62478

    Key words:  international business negotiations; lingua franca; characteristics; role; language strategies 




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Related Research 1

    3. Brief Introduction of ELF 2

    3.1 Definition of ELF 2

    3.2 Characteristics of ELF 2

    4. Importance of ELF Used for International Business Negotiations 5

    4.1 The complexity of the international business negotiations 5

    4.2 Necessity of ELF in the international business negotiations 5

    4.3 Language media of the international business negotiations 6

    4.4 A way to acquiring knowledge 6

    4.5 Strengthening the flexibility and harmonization of the international business negotiations 7

    5. Applicating Strategies of ELF in the International Business Negotiations 8

    5.1 The use of passive voice 8

    5.2 The use of vagueness 8

    5.3 Language strategy of politeness 9

    5.4 Avoiding subjective attitude 9

    5.5 Avoiding tone of blame 10

    6. Conclusion 11

    Works Cited 12

    1. Introduction 

    Nowadays, with the rapid development of economic globalization,more and more countries are involved in the international business negotiations, where a lingua franca (ELF) is needed. Now, English is paid more and more attention by international negotiators. Successful international business negotiations not only require negotiators to know relevant laws of negotiation principles, but also to master a language well. As a lingua franca, English is widely used in the international business negotiations. Therefore, using English properly is helpful to win a negotiation.

    This paper aims to provide with the international negotiators some useful suggestions on the application of ELF by analyzing the characteristics of ELF, the role of ELF, and some language strategies, etc, thus helping the international negotiators get more initiative and improve the odds of success and  making the international business negotiations conducted smoothly.      

    This paper is mainly composed of six parts. The first part is about the main content and framework of this paper. The second part introduces some related researches. Then, the third part concerns characteristics of ELF. And the forth and fifth part are the body parts of this paper. In the end, the last part summarizes the whole paper.     

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