    关键词  网络英语网络聊天英语新词理据构词特点  
    Title  An Analysis of the Motivation of Network Chatting English Neologisms and Its Enlightenment
    This thesis is intended to study the definition and motivation of network chatting English neologisms, or netspeak English neologisms, in a narrow sense. It aims to describe and analyze the lexical features of netspeak English neologisms from the perspective of word formation and motivation. The study is conducted by observing and analyzing the collected netspeak English neologisms. By the analysis of the motivation of network chatting English neologisms, this paper can help explain and interpret the source, origin of these new words and the connection of their forms and notions. Then, the developing law and trend of netspeak English neologisms can be figured out, which can help people better understand and grasp these words as return. Meanwhile, some enlightenment can be acquired in the understanding, learning and teaching of netspeak English neologisms.
    Keywordsnetspeak Englishnetwork chatting English neologismsmotivation
     word formation
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction  1
    1.1Research Backgrounds1
    1.2Research Purpose and Significance1
    1.3Structure of the Thesis 2
    2Literature Review3
    2.1Definitions and Notions  3
    2.2Research Review  4
    2.3Research Method  5
    3Analysis and Discussion 5
    3.1Analysis of Motivation6
    3.1.1 Phonetic Motivation7
    3.1.2 Semantic Motivation  7
    3.1.3 Morphological Motivation 7
    3.1.4 Etymological Motivation  8
    3.2Lexical Formation Means of Netspeak English Neologisms 8
    3.2.1Abbreviation 9
    3.2.2Coinage 12
    3.2.3Semantic Change  12
    3.2.4Conversion 13
    3.2.5Borrowing  13
    3.2.6Emoticons  14
    3.3Characteristics of Motivation of Netspeak English Neologisms15
    Conclusion  16
    Acknowledgements 18
    Bibliography 19
    1     Introduction
    1.1 Research Backgrounds
    Language is a social and cultural information carrier, and its emergence and development are closely related to the evolution process of society and the whole world. The progress of the world and social change is the important soil and base of the evolution and variation of language. On account of the rapid growth of information technology and network industry, human has entered into the Internet era in the 21st century, and the Internet as well as the netspeak has been the indispensable parts of people’s daily life. English, as the most universal language in the world and also the main language used in the Internet world, changes every day with thousands of English neologisms coming into being (Guo Suihong, 2012). Thus, netspeak English has undergone grand and significant transformation, especially with a large number of neologisms emerging endlessly on the Internet. As is known to all, vocabulary of a language is the most immediate, visual and intense reflection of changes and development of the society in the information era. Netspeak English neologisms have greatly affected people’s life socially and culturally. In a word, there are abundant research values to study netspeak English neologisms.
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