
    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    4
    2 Relationship among Existentialism, Power and Human Nature    6
    2.1 A Brief Introduction of Existentialism    6
    2.2 The Influence of Power on Human Nature    8
    2.3 Existentialism in The Naked and the Dead    9

    3 Analysis of Main Characters    11
    3.1 General Edward Cummings    11
    3.2 Lieutenant Robert Hearn    12
    3.3 Sergeant Sam Croft    14
    3.4 Soldier Red Valsen    15
    3.5 Historical Significance of the Portrait    16

    4 Contemplation on the Influence of Power in Real Life    18

    5 Conclusion    20

    Bibliography    21
    1 Introduction
    Norman Mailer (1923-2007) was born in a well-known Jewish family in Long Branch, New Jersey. When he studied in Harvard University, he became interested in writing and published his first story at the age of 18. He was Drafted into the U.S. army after his graduation and served in the Philippines as a rifleman until 1946. Norman Mailer self-proclaimed as philosophical “existentialist” and political “left conservative”. As a contemporary American writer, Norman Mailer led a colorful and notorious life and gained world-wide fame for his achievements in the unique portrayal of a series of brilliant characters. He has written many splendid works and has won the Pulitzer Prize twice for literature. His works has a deep influence on American literature and society as a whole. Having experienced the upheaval of war and witnessed the frailties of human beings, his works mainly focuses on power, violence, disloyalty, death and so on. The problem of power is involved in most of his works. One of his most representative works is the Naked and the Dead.

    During the late 1940s and the early 1950s, many notable American novels of World War II mushroomed in America. The Naked and the Dead is Norman Mailer’s first and most representative work. The plot was based on Mailer’s personal experience in World War II. Since its publication in 1948, it has been unanimously acknowledged as the earliest and the best postwar novel. It does not merely include lots of details about the hardship of army life and the cruelty of war; more significantly, it explores the deeper layer of humanity and the society. Mailer expresses his reflections about the twentieth-century American army and American society, which further lead to the discussion of the destructive effects of war and the distortion of human nature under power in extreme circumstances.

    The novel questions the competence and motives of high-ranking officers, as well as the integrity of each of the many men depicted by demonstrating in great details the extreme circumstances in war and the sharp conflict between soldiers and their leaders. Moreover, it shows how war destroys humanity and how powerful the lust for power is to deprive people of reason and compassion. The novel is full of pessimistic and gloomy atmosphere. Ever since its publication, it has been widely-accepted that the experience and result of main characters in this novel have a clear ideological mark of existentialism. Nowadays, despite the benefits people can gain from power, they, especially officials, suffer from a loss of the right attitude towards power. Therefore, a study of power under human nature is also of great realistic significance.
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