
    This might not be so surprising when one considers that research conducted by Durkin (1979) has revealed that teachers actually devoted only 2% of the classroom time designated for reading instruction to teaching students how to comprehend what they read. So many years passed, it hasn’t changed much. In most of the Chinese schools, English teachers always leave lots of English reading homework to students with a number of multiple-choice questions. Sometimes there may also be some short questions. And it is quite the same even in universities. Many researchers are quite interested in investigating what strategies can help students have better understanding when they read, such as Al Haidari (2006), Bejarano (1987), Faramarzy (2003), Ghaith (2003), Hollingsworth (2007), Miritz (1989), Shachar and Sharan (1994).

    2 Research Background and Questions
    As we all know, reading is an important input in second language learning. Meanwhile, reading comprehension is one of the significant difficult points in learning English. However, many students still lack enough and right reading input after class. Therefore, as an indicator in testing the comprehensive competence in learning English, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of reading and are starting to focus on the training of reading ability.
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