    毕业论文关键词  郝思嘉   爱情   女性主体意识   婚姻
    Title An analysis of The Love Tragedy and Female consciousness of Scarlett in Gone with wind from the perspective of Her Character
    "Gone with the Wind" is an American writer Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949) Decade of sword work, and it is the only work. "Gone with the Wind" ever called one of the most classic love masterpiece. The story of the heroine Scarlett was born in the mid-nineteenth century, civilized life late in the American South, informal Georgia, where a unique historical and cultural background, gave birth to a generation of people with extremely strong " south " of the plot, so environment for the formation of the character of Scarlett O'Hara provides free space. So special family and special social environment created its special character - water is generally gentle and warm like fire, so that this character has a special understanding of love, both the courage to pursue love, love as a life again in exchange, every marriage is different in order to meet her needs. In order to revenge Ashley, she married Charles, in order to live, she married Frank, and in order to satisfy the vanity, she married Rhett. Eventually, she got the money, position which she was dying for, rebuilt the Tara manor, but she lost the most precious thing-love.
    Key words   Scarlett   Love   Female Consciousness   Marriage
     Table of Contents
    1  Introduction1
    1.1  Brief Introduction To Gone With The Wind1
    1.2  Scarlett’s Living Background.2
    1.3  Thesis Structure.3
    2  Before The American Civil War , Scarlett’s Character And Attitude Towards Love.3
    2.1  Scarlett’s Personality Before The American Civil War.3
    2.2  Scarlett’s Tragedy In Her First Love.4
    2.3  Selfish Love4
    3  In The American Civil War, Scarlett’s Character And Attitude Towards Love .    .5
    3.1  Scarlett’s Personality In The American Civil War5
    3.2  Scarlett’s Second Love Tragedy6
    3.3  None Marital Ethic Love.6
    4  After the American Civil War, Scarlett’s Character And Attitude Towards Love 6
    4.1  Scarlett’s Personality After The American Civil War.7
    4.2  Scarlett’s Third Love Tragedy.7
    4.3  None Spirit Love.8
    1 Introduction
    1.1 Brief Introduction To Gone With The Wind
    The novel “Gone With The Wind” written by American writer Margaret Mitchell shocked me deeply, and she finished this great work with one billion words in 1936. The story started from April, 1861, spanning 12 years, and the background was US Civil War. The story of the heroine Scarlett was born in the mid-nineteenth century, civilized life late in the American South, informal Georgia, where a unique historical and cultural background, gave birth to a generation of people with extremely strong " south " of the plot, so environment for the formation of the character of Scarlett O'Hara provides free space. So special family and special social environment created its special character - water is generally gentle and warm like fire, so that this character has a special understanding of love, both the courage to pursue love, love as a life again in exchange, every marriage is different in order to meet her needs. She’s so beautiful that almost all the young men in the book are tempted by her. She seems to have become accustomed to dealing within these young men, like a cold hot fire but locked of love to blame, which almost makes many men crazy. She has strong cravings in all the good things, and she wants to take away the entire boy's heart. At first, Scarlett is like a proud, attractive princess. She tends to conquer the entire world and seize all the happiness. She loves Ashley very much though she doesn’t know him at all. Being angry, she gets married with Charles Hamilton who is Ashley’s wife’s brother. Unfortunately, Hamilton dies in the war and Scarlett becomes a widow. But the war destroys her life and makes her back to her motherland. Although she is strong and brave to make a living in the wartime, it’s not enough. In order to protect her families and industries, she gets married with Frank Kennedy who is Scarlett’s sister’s finance. After Kennedy’s death, she finally marries Rhett Butler who really loved her very much. However, Scarlett still loved Ashley from the bottom of the heart. But she never tries to know Rhett. She continues to pursue the unreal love towards Ashley. Until Melanie died did she know that Rhett is the only person who really loved her. But it’s too late. Rhett determined to leave her without hesitation. In the end, Scarlett had to tell herself that tomorrow is another day. From the story, we can see that Scarlett’s special spirit leads her special experiences and life.
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