    摘 要由著名的美国华裔女作家,谭恩美女士创作的《喜福会》是一部非常成功的著作。在故事的开端,每对母女之间的交流都有很多的问题。随着故事情节的发展,问题终于得到解决,母女之间的关系也随之好转。尽管每对母女之间的问题和解决方式不同,但是这四对母女之间的矛盾都说明了一个问题,母女两代人之间的代沟与中美两国的文化差异有关。不同的文化背景使得他们之间产生了很多的误解,也使他们的关系日渐疏远。随着全球步伐的加快,文化冲突给我们的生活带来的负面影响越来越大。而这一点,在移民生活中表现得更为突出。如何解决这个问题,已经成为我们多年来的困扰。在《喜福会》这本书中,作者已经向我们展示了一些解决这一问题的有效方法。论文的第一部分笔者介绍了作者及其作品。第二部分具体分析了小说中母女两代人的矛盾集中体现的三个方面。第三部分对中美文化差异的原因又做了详细的展开。最后,第四部分对全文进行了总结。本文旨在通过比较和分析,使人们深入了解中西方文化差异,从这部作品中进行借鉴,从而对跨文化研究有所帮助。23795
    The Joy Luck Club, written by the famous Chinese-American writer Amy Tan, is a very successful book. At the beginning of the story, every couple of mother and daughter had problems in communication. With the development of the plot, problems have been solved and the relationship between the mother and daughter changed to be better. Despite the differences in problems conflicts between the four couples of mother and daughter tell us and ways of solution one thing, that is, the generation gap between the two different generations is related to the differences between Chinese culture and American cultures indeed. With the development of globalization, cultural conflicts bring more and more negative effects on our lives, especially on immigrants’ daily lives. How to deal with the problem has puzzled us for many years. In The Joy Luck Club, the author shows us some useful solutions, which could help us out of it. The first part of this thesis introduces Amy Tan and her literary achievements. The second part analyzes the conflicts between the two generations from three aspects. Then, the third part explores the importance of the cultural conflicts in their relationships. At last, the forth part concludes the whole thesis. Through comparison and analysis, the thesis aims to let people have a further understanding in the differences between Chinese and American culture, and draw lessons from The Joy Luck Club, in order to offer some help to cross-culture researches.
    Key words: The Joy Luck Club, mother-daughter relationship, cultural conflict, generation gap
    Conflicts Between Chinese Culture and American Culture in The Joy Luck Club
    摘   要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Conflicts in the Novel    5
    2.1 Different Attitudes towards Maternal Love    5
    2.2 Different Attitudes towards Family    6
    2.3 Different Attitudes towards Chinese Culture    7
    III. Reasons for Conflicts Between American and Chinese Cultures    8
    3.1 Difference in Language    8
    3.1.1Our Thinking is Determined by Our Language..8
    3.1.2 Our Communication is Affected by Language..8
    3.2 Different Cultural Backgrounds..10
    3.2.1 High Context VS. Low Context.9
    3.2.2 Chinese Communication VS. American Communication...10
    3.3 Different Life Experiences    12
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
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