    摘 要 纳桑尼尔•霍桑是美国文学史上最具影响力的作家,他的小说《红字》使他永葆文坛盛誉。小说以十七世纪清教徒统治下的美国波士顿为背景,通过真实的场景和现实的清教哲学,成功地描述了清教的残酷和它对性的扼杀。然而霍桑的目的似乎并非仅仅是为了暴露当时清教的严酷状态,霍桑在小说中揭露了所谓的人类文明给大自然带来的极大的破坏以及造成的自然生态危机。然而,小说中体现出来的人类精神层次上的生态危机才是更深层次的生态危机。本文从小说本身出发,运用生态批评的相关理论从全新的视角对霍桑的《红字》加以研究。通过研究发现霍桑在《红字》中不仅揭露了自然生态陷入的严重危机,更揭示了人类精神生态陷入严重的危机。与此同时,霍桑提出了解决危机的办法,即人类应回归自然,更多地融入自然,人与自然应当和谐相处。24819
    Abstract  Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most influential writers in American literature in the 19th century. His famous novel The Scarlet Letter published in 1850 ensures his permanent fame in literature. In his novel Hawthorne sets his story in the 17th century American Boston under the rule of Puritan magistrates. Hawthorne successfully depicts the strictness of the Puritanism of that time and its cruel killing of human nature by presenting a realistic setting and puritanical philosophy. Hawthorne, however, aims not only to expose the harsh state of the Puritan society of that time. In the novel, Hawthorne exposes the ecological crisis of nature. And he also exposes the crisis of men’s spiritual ecology, which is much more severe and leads to the crisis of natural ecology. Based on a close reading of the novel, this thesis aims to study Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter from the perspective of eco-criticism. In the thesis, the crisis of natural ecology is analyzed, and the deeper crisis-the crisis of spiritual ecology is also examined. At the same time, Hawthorne’s solution to healing the crises is also analyzed. Hawthorne suggests that only when human begin to blend in nature and keep a harmonious relation with it can the dual crisis be solved.
    Key words: Hawthorne; The Scarlet Letter; eco-criticism; natural ecology; spiritual ecology
    An Eco-critical Approach to The Scarlet Letter
    摘 要.i
    I. Introduction    1
    II.Diverse Criticisms on The Scarlet Letter and Eco-criticism    3
    2.1 Diverse Criticisms on The Scarlet Letter    3
    2.2 Eco-criticism    5
    Ⅲ. The Crisis of Natural Ecology    6
    3.1 The Deserted Hometown    7
    3.2 The Rose-bush Near the Prison-Door    7
    3.3. The Governor’s Barren Garden    8
    Ⅳ. The Crisis of Spiritual Ecology-the Cause of Natural Disaster    9
    4.1 The Lonely Characters    10
    4.1.1 Lonely Hester    10
    4.1.2 Lonely Chillingworth    11
    4.1.3 Lonely Dimmesdale    11
    4.2 Human Nature Eroded    12
    4.2.1 Hester’s Nature Restrained    12
    4.2.2 Chillingworth’s Soul Lost    13
    4.2.3 Dimmesdale’s Spirit Destroyed    13
    Ⅴ. Maintaining a Harmonious Relation between Man and Nature—the Way to Heal the Crises    14
    5.1 Hester’s Energy Restored in Nature    15
    5.2 Chillingworth’s Heart-feeling Revealed in Nature    15
    5.3 Dimmesdale’s Own Being Found in Nature    16
    Ⅵ. Conclusion    17
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