

    毕业论文关键词: 批评性话语分析  文体性研究  及物性分析  情态分析人称代词分析 语篇分析


    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title: The critical discourse analysis of Obama's political speeches 


    Critical Discourse Analysis is a common analysis framework to analyze political discourse which includes public speaking. Its main purpose is to reveal the use of language, the relationship between ideology and power. It makes it clear that why speeches could win people’s support while using various discourse strategies. From transitivity, modality, personal pronouns and other aspects, this paper tries to analyze Critical Discourse Analysis on Obama's political speeches. We can find that how languages serve for ideology, and know more about the political purpose of the speaker.

    Key Words   Critical Discourse Analysis    transitivity    modality   

    personal pronouns

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction 5

    2 The Theoretical Framework 5

    2.1 A Review of Critical Discourse Analysis 5

    2.2 Theoretical Foundation and Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis 6

    2.3 The Present Theoretical Framework 8

    3 Critical Discourse Analysis of Obama’s Political Speeches 10

    3.1 Description of Obama’s Political Speeches 10

    4. Four fields of Description on Obama’s Political Speeches 10

    4.1 Transitivity 11

    4.2 Modality 12

    4.3 Personal Pronoun 14

    4.4 Other Skills 16

    Conclusion and Summary 18

    Acknowledgements 19

    Bibliography 20

    1 Introduction

    When we talk about speech, it simply means that someone or some organization wants to publish their own views and opinions in order to clarify things or expressing emotion, in a language communication activity of propaganda to solve a specific problem with sound language as the main means, with body language as auxiliary methods in public places.

    President mostly occupies a special place in American history; their speeches also have their own features. For more than two hundred years, from George Washington to Barack Obama, the Presidents show their hope and hero dream through their special kinds of speeches. So many political speeches not only represent presidents’ personal loyalty and enthusiasm but also become the vivid reflection of the grace and wisdom. It draws up a nation's social and historical, economic and cultural magnificent picture; therefore it is necessary to study American Presidents’ political speeches. This paper intends to shed light on the ideology in President Obama’s political speeches under the framework of critical discourse analysis.

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