
    Abstract  Teaching English vocabulary is an important part in middle school, yet teachers and students found that vocabulary teaching and learning is difficult and annoying, and less time and energy are spent on it. English vocabulary has a strong ability of forming collocations, and by making full use of English collocations, one can expand vocabulary and master the correct usages of the words. However, Chinese English learners have got many problems while using them since collocation is one of the most important and difficult aspects to grasp vocabulary. Therefore the teacher should have a deep analysis of the factors influencing the students’ learning and help them enlarge English collocations more efficiently. The paper discusses common problems in vocabulary learning and attempts to proposes the idea of using English collocations to improve the quality of vocabulary teaching in Chinese middle schools.66438

    Key words: word collocations; vocabulary teaching; junior middle school




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 Definition and Classification 1

    2.2 Previous Studies on English Collocations 3

    3. Problems and Causes of Vocabulary Learning 3

    3.1 Problems in Vocabulary Learning 3

    3.2 Causes of Learning Difficulty 4

    4. Pedagogical Inspiration and Application 6

    4.1 Inspiration 6

    4.2 Application 9

    5. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 13

    1. Introduction

    “Without grammar we can convey a little, but without words we can convey nothing”. (Wilkins, 2002:25) Vocabulary teaching is an essential part of English teaching. But, English teachers sometimes have tendency to overlook the importance of vocabulary teaching and students devote much time and energy to the learning of vocabulary, while they still complain that they cannot remember the words. This is particularly evident in junior middle schools. Thus, it is important for the teacher to know the significance of vocabulary in the middle school. 

     Collocation is an important part of the comprehensive ability of a language. Most of the time, with the right combinations of words, appropriate and proper language expressions, people convey the main ideas and fully reflect the objective world, thus to reach the aim of successful expression. However, although some English learners have plenty of vocabulary, yet they can not appropriately express the exact meaning that they want to express. In speaking and writing, it is common that they often misuse the words. Thus, vocabulary collocation remains still one of the most intractable problems in English teaching. This paper first analyses and summarizes the main problems that exist in vocabulary collocations, finds out the root of these problems and proposes some teaching methods to reduce the misuse of collocations, thus to enhance the quality of teaching vocabulary.

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