
    Chinese researchers are also interested in the study of word collocations. Scholars like Liu Shuming holds that collocation is a common linguistics phenomenon in English,she introduced the concept of collocation and analyzed the causes of misuses in collocations. She discussed some effective teaching approaches to collocations. (Liu Shuming ,2010:128); Wu Shujing holds that collocations being an important and difficult point in learners’ development of vocabulary, English teachers should analyze the factors that affect the learners’ awareness, connect collocation teaching to grammar and text teaching, help learners to grasp the collocations quickly and effectively so that the learners can learn idiomatic English.(Wu Shujing, 2007:11 )

    From these studies, we notice that collocation is indispensable to vocabulary learning. So when it comes to vocabulary teaching, teachers should not just associate a word with its conceptual meaning.  Instead, they should notice that what a word occurs with. 

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