
        This article consists of five parts including the introduction and the conclusion. Part two is an overview of relevant theories about euphemisms. In part three, a contrastive study of English and Chinese euphemisms. In part four, principles and strategies suitable for translating euphemisms will be introduced. This part points out that the translation method depends on its purpose. Literal translation is good for appreciation while free translation is better for the application of euphemisms in the target language culture. The last part is the conclusion, which summarizes the main points of the article.

    II. An overview of relevant theories about euphemisms

    2.1 Definition of Euphemism
       Euphemism has been defined differently in different books and dictionaries by different scholars. Until now, no agreement has been reached on a universally acceptable definition of euphemism.Some influential definitions are cited below:
    (1) that figure of Speech which consists in the substitution of a word or                       expression of comparatively favorable implication or less unpleasant associations, instead of the harsher or more offensive one that would more precisely designate what is intended.(Oxford English Dictionary, 1989)
        (2) Use of pleasant, mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones. (Oxford Advanced learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, 1997)
        (3)A polite pleasant or neutral word or expression that is used to refer to something which people may find upsetting or embarrassing to talk about, for example sex, the human body or death. (Collins Cobuild English Dictionary, 2000)
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