摘 要自从 L.A. Zadeh 提出“模糊集”这一理论后,模糊概念被广泛应用到各个领域。模糊语言被大量运用于各种语言形式,使其更加多彩、灵活,具有独特的语用价值。近年来,越来越多的学者开始认识到“模糊语”这种语言现象的重要性。在商务交谈中人们普遍认为,为了避免误会和不便,应该更多地使用准确的语言。但是,这种观点忽略了人类语言本身就具有模糊性这个自然属性。在国际商务交际中,模糊语言的使用却是非常普遍的现象。事实也表明在谈判过程中,语言上小小的失误将可能导致经济上的重大损失。因此对国际商务交际中模糊语言的系统研究是非常重要的。24867
Since the ‘Fuzzy Set Theory’ was proposed by Zadeh, it has been widely applied to a variety of fields. Fuzzy expressions are widely employed in all forms of language, which makes language more flexible and colorful with particular pragmatic values. In recent years, more and more scholars have come to realize the importance of the vague language. Many people hold the point of view that, in business communication, more exact expressions should be used to avoid misunderstandings and inconvenience. However, this view of point indicates an ignorance of a natural property of human language-vagueness. In reality, the use of vague language is a universal phenomenon in international business communication. In fact, in business negotiations any single improper use of language may lead to huge economic loss. Therefore, systematic study of the use of vague languages in international business communication is very important.
Key words: vague language; pragmatic function; business communication
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Vague Language and Business English Communication 2
2.1 Definition of Vague Language 2
2.2 Characteristics of Business English Communication 4
III. Vague Language and Cross-Cultural Communication 5
3.1 Features of Vague Language 5
3.2 Cross-Cultural Communication 6
3.3 The Usage of Vague Language in Cross-Cultural Communication 8
IV. Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language in Business English Communication 9
4.1 The Positive Functions of Vagueness in Business Communication 9
4.1.1 Creating a Friendly Atmosphere 9
4.1.2 Giving the Right Amount of Information 10
4.1.3 Improving Efficiency of Expression 11
4.1.4 Making the Language Persuasive 11
4.2 The Negative Functions of Vagueness in Business Communication 12
V. Conclusion 13
Bibliography 14
Acknowledgements 15
Analyses of Vague Languages’ Pragmatic Function in Cross-Cultural Business English Communication
I. Introduction
Language is a symbolic system of sound and meaning. But when we say that language is always vague. what we mean is that we can never fully control the meanings of the things we say or write. Fuzziness is one feature of the natural language. From the aspect of language, many linguists think language itself is vague. The boundaries between some concepts are not clear. And when we want to achieve the specified communicative purpose, we sometimes need to use vague expression. Vagueness, is an important instrument for communication and important medium of thinking. And it is one of the most widespread and typical phenomena of fuzzy language. In fact, vagueness is the interesting and meaningful research area in fuzzy linguistics. In English there are such linguistic expressions as, almost, some, rather, quite, sort of, I think, generally speaking, kind of, etc.
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