    摘 要本文通过结合小说人物所属的社会背景,他所经历的事件以及18世纪英国的道德标准和价值观来对《鲁宾逊漂流记》中的主要人物鲁宾逊进行性格分析。鲁宾逊的性格有两方面的体现,积极的一面和进行殖民活动的一面。通过对小说进行分析,我们可以发现鲁宾逊是一个内心复杂的文明人,性格中有善良,勇敢, 乐观,怯弱残忍和悲观等方面。本文主要从两个方面来分析鲁宾逊的性格: 首先,鲁宾逊性格中积极的一面,包括努力工作、勇于追求自己的梦想、在绝望中充满希望、坚强,有智慧 有美德。这些积极的性格让他在荒岛上得以生存;其次,鲁宾逊性格中的殖民主义的一面,包括进行殖民主义活动的前提,这些方面代表了当时西方文化中的殖民主义特点。25046
    Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to reveal and analyze the character of Robinson in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe by taking his social background, the incidents he encountered and the British morals and values in eighteenth Century into consideration. His character can be pided into two aspects: glorious perspective and colonial perspective. The analysis of this novel signifies that Robinson is a complicated civilized man, consisting of positive elements such as bravery, kindness, optimism and so on, and of negative elements as occasional cowardice, cruelty, fatality and so forth. This thesis analyzes Robinson’s character from two aspects. The first part is the glorious sides of Robinson’s character, including his hard working, bravely pursuing his dream, being-hopeful in hopelessness, being strong in desperation, his wisdom and his virtue. For those characters, Robinson can survive on a desert island. The second part is colonial aspects of the character of Robinson Crusoe, including colonial prerequisite and colonial activities, which represent the characteristics of colonialism in western culture at that time.
    Key Words: social background; character analysis; colonial activities
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Background Information    2
    2.1 The Introduction of Daniel Defoe    2
     2.2 The Introduction of Robinson Crusoe    2
    2.3 Social Background....    3
    III. The Glorious Aspects of the Character of Robinson Crusoe    4
    3.1 A Man of Hard Working    4
    3.2 A Man of Pursuing His Dream    5
    3.3 A Man of Being Hopeful in Hopelessness    6
    3.4 A Man of Being Strong in Desperation    7
    3.5 A Man of Wisdom    9
    3.6 A Man of Virtue    10
    IV. Colonial Aspects of the Character of Robinson Crusoe    11
     4.1 A Man of Colonial Prerequisite    11
    4.1.1 Robinson’s Colonization Conditions    11
    4.1.2 Robinson’s Colonization Motivations    12
    4.2 Robinson’s Colonial Activities    13
    4.2.1 Land Occupation    13
    4.2.2 Colonial Trade    14
    4.2.3 Robinson’s Cultural Reform to Friday    14
    V. Conclusion    16
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgments    18
    Rebirth from the Predicament an Analysis of Robinson Crusoe’s Character
    I. Introduction
     Robinson Crusoe, written in 1719, is sometimes regarded to be the first novel in English. This novel, to some extent reflects the rising bourgeoisie at that time and it mainly describes Robinson Crusoe’s life on the isolated island for 28 years. Ever since its first publication it has become one of the most popular novels in the world.
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