    关键词  《老友记》 菲比 美国主流文化 美国边缘文化
    Title    Between Mainstream Culture and Marginal Culture:the  Grotesque of Phoebe in Friends                       
    Friends,as one of the most successful US drama, is popular around the world, especially the six protagonists with distinctive characteristics have left a deep impression on people. At the same time, Friends has also made a great contribution to interpreting American culture and expanding American cultural influence. This paper is pided into three parts: First, this paper defines the  American mainstream culture and marginal culture; Second, this paper analyzes the personality of Phoebe---sensitive, optimistic and independent; Third, this paper analyzes the right attitude towards American culture---obey the mainstream culture and be tolerant of marginal culture.
    Keywords  Friends  Phoebe  American mainstream culture American marginal culture
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction    1
    2  Definition    2
    2.1     Culture and American Culture    2
    2.2  Mainstream Culture and Marginal Culture    2
    2.3  Relations between Mainstream Culture and Marginal Culture    2
    2.4  American Mainstream Culture and Marginal Culture     3
    3  Character Analysis of Phoebe in Friends    4
    3.1     Introduction and Background of Friends    4
    3.2  Character Analysis of Phoebe    4
    3.2.1    Background    4
    3.2.2    Hobbies and Belief    5
    3.2.3    The Fantastic Thing She Had Done    6
    3.2.4    Emotional Experience    8
    Conclusion    11
    Acknowledgements    12
    References    13
    1 Introduction
        American culture study on literary creation and technological development has become a more active field. In the past decades, with the increasing international influence of America, many scholars, both in theory and in practice, have done a lot of researches. Thus many scholars have summed up many theories of American culture, and have applied these theories to literature creation, science and technology development. Recently, with the rapid development of media industry, culture communication develops into a new stage on which films and TV series have become a new media. The development of productivity makes the improvement of living standards, as well as culture and entertainment play an increasingly important role in people's life, thus more cultural output selects this channel. Scholars explore the culture of a country by studying drama, and by analyzing character of its roles to discover the impact of a country's culture on people.
        Friends is a humor sitcom series (ten season) showed on American television screens for decades, and is recognized as one of the most successful and influential American TVs in the history. It was created by David Crane and Marta Huffman, and produced by Kevin S. Bright, Marta Huffman and David Crane. The show has been broadcast in more than one hundred countries and it is still continuing to attract good ratings for its episodes in syndication. Since the 10 years run, Friends has won 7 Emmys, including one for Outstanding Comedy Series. It also has received a Golden Globe, 2 SAG Awards, and 56 other various awards with 152 nominations.
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