    关键词  《永别了,武器》   功能对等    翻译分析
    Title  On Translation of A Farewell to Arms From the  Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory      
    A Farewell to Arms is a famous novel with high literature value.Translated into different languages, this novel has been widely spread among the world and China makes no exception.There are many Chinese versions of A Farewell to Arms among which Lin Yijin’s version is a typical and classic one. This study, based on Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory and taking the original English novel and Lin’s Chinese translation as the data, will take cultural background and translator’s style into consideration, focus on the lexical equivalence, syntactic equivalence and textual feature equivalence, compare similarities and differences of meaning, style, reader responses between the original and the translation with specific examples so as to analyze and discuss the beauty as well as shortcomings of Lin’s version, offering translation reference for similar textual translation.
    Keywords   A Farewell to Arms  functional equivalence  translation analysis 
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1 About a Farewell to Arms    1
    1.2 About Functional Equivalence Theory    1
    2 Literature Review    3
    2.1 Previous Studies on Iceberg Principles    3
    2.2 Previous Studies on Style Transference    3
    2.3 The Relationship Between Stylistic Features and Translation Equivalence    4
    3 Analysis and Discussion    5
    3.1 Equivalence on Lexical Level    5
    3.2 Equivalence on Syntactic Level    7
    3.3 Equivalence on Textual Level    9
    Conclusion    11
    Acknowledgements    13
    References    14
    1 Introduction
    1.1    About a Farewell to Arms
        A Farewell to Arms is the American writer Ernest Hemingway’s semi-autobiographical novel. Setting the First World War as background, this novel uses the perspective of an Italian-American military ambulance driver Henry as the first-person narrative perspective and tells a love story between Henry and Catherine Barkley.It was written during the First World War showing Hemingway’s will against the imperialist war. In this novel Hemingway employed refined language to criticize the war’s non-rationality, absurdity and brutality. This novel also became the most widely respected masterpiece among “Lost Generation” in the 1920s. This semi-autobiographical works also marked Hemingway's mature artistic style. This masterpiece is so successful with high literature value that it has been translated into various versions which can be appreciated by literature enthusiasts from the whole world including Chinese.There are many versions of this novel in Chinese and a number of studies about them. However, many studies are mainly about this novel’s plots and themes but rarely from the perspective of translation, especially from the perspective of Nida’s functional equivalence theory. Meanwhile, the Chinese version translated by Lin Yijin is also a classic one which enjoys a pretty reputation and attracts a great number of readers.Thus, the combination of the classic translation theory and the classic translation version may lead to new discoveries and different findings.
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