关键词 互文性 新闻报道 意识形态 MH370
Title Ideological Functions Behind News Reports In Terms Of Intertextuality---- MH370 As A Case in Point
News discourses represent national ideology, including the interests and the power position of a country. Intertextuality is the basic feature of discourses. It is a way of human interaction and communication. The concept of intertextuality provides a basis of development to the generation and understanding of discourses. This article analyzes the reports of MH370 mission from the perspective of intertextuality in three large newspapers: China Daily, The Times and the New York Times, to explore their respective national ideology behind the news. The assay reveals how the news media express their views on a certain international events by selecting sources and forms of quoted words.
Key words Intertextuality News Ideology MH370
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.2 Intertextuality Theory 1
1.2 Intertextuality and News 1
1.3 Purpose and Structure of This Paper 1
2 The Ideology 3
2.1 The Definition of Ideology 3
2.2 News and Ideology 3
3 Intertextuality 5
3.1 The Definition of Intertextuality 5
3.2 Main Theories of Intertextuality 5
3.3 The Classification of Intertextuality 7
3.4 The Relations between Intertextuality and News Ideology 9
4 Case Analysis:MH 370 10
4.1 Chinese Reports 10
4.2 American Reports 11
4.3 English Reports 13
4.4 Brief Summary 13
Conclusion 15
References 16
Appendix 17
1 Introduction
1.1 Intertextuality Theory
Intertextuality theory evolves from postmodern cultural ideological trend in the contemporary West. It relates to some major cultural theories of contemporary West, such as structuralism, semiotics, after structuralism, western Marxism. It also penetrates to the literary criticism practice of historicism and feminism. Therefore, the coverage of intertextuality theory is very broad. At the same time, intertextuality theory covers many important issues in the literature and art, such as the production of the literary meaning and text reading, the boundary of the text, the relation between literary styles as well as the relation between tradition and innovation, and so on.
Because of its wide coverage, the intertextuality theory cannot simply be seen as a general sense of text theory, but from the vision of a more far-reaching culture research to grasp and scrutiny. Unable to launch a huge task, this article only superficially review on the basis of Sorting and description.
- 上一篇:文化翻译观视角下《弟子规》中华夏礼仪文化传递策略研究
- 下一篇:从功能对等角度看《永别了,武器》的翻译